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February 2018                        February 2018

                                      THE PARISHES of BERE REGIS and

 DATES FOR                          AFFPUDDLE with TURNERSPUDDLE

    YOUR DIARY                              Reverend Canon Charles Masheder
                                         The Vicarage,  West Street, Bere Regis,

                                                                     BH20 7HQ
 2018                                                            01929 472883

 13th   An Evening with Rapport and Presentations
                                                                Our Mission:
 17th   WI, Care in the Community
                                               To encourage awareness of the

                                              presence of God through worship
 November                                                   music and the arts;

 13th   Floral Group, Michael Bowyer, (Tarrant Keynston)
                                                 To encourage everyone in the
 14th   Autumn Leaves, Hilary Foggo
                                               Christian faith through example,
    Fundraising Raffle for Children in Need       learning and spiritual growth;
        Our Vision:
 21st   WI, Christmas Sweets and Treats
        To make Christ’s love                  To make our churches open and
        known in the world today            welcoming to all, and supportive of
 December   and to live out his teaching                        those in need;
 11th   Floral Group Christmas Lunch, Athelhampton
                                            To challenge injustice at home and
 12th   Autumn Leaves, Christmas Afternoon
 14th   Pop in Performers Christmas Show      7.00pm   A LETTER FROM   abroad and to balance our care for
 15th   Pop in Performers Christmas Show      2.00pm   YOUR VICAR   the environment.
 17th   Pop in Place Carols and Mince Pies, Lower Hall  10.00am-12.00noon
 19th   WI, Christmas Festivities
       My dear Friends,
       At the turn of the year, did you wish for a better world in 2018 and for all good
       things for yourself and your families? It would be natural if you did, but now I ask
       the question:
       Do you like change? I suspect that for most of us we don’t mind change which
       has been brought about by ourselves, but we don’t like it when it is imposed either
       by other people or simply by inevitable circumstances. I suppose that there is a
       part of many of us that like to use those rose-tinted spectacles and think that in
       the past life was so much better. There is a sense in which life in earlier decades,
       and  even  centuries,  may  have  been  simpler  but  there  is  much  that  is  so  much
       easier now than then.
       I know I wrote about Bob Naylor in the January Magazine but it was before I had

            Church website:  www.bereregiswith

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