Page 6 - BR December 2023
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December 2023                                                                       December 2023
                                                                                                               CHURCH AND VILLAGE

       Thank You                                                                            ACTIVITIES, SOCIETIES, CLUBS, ASSOCIATIONS and CONTACTS
       The rain kept off and the people came out
       for  both  a  short  time  of  remembrance  on                                       Association  Contact  Tel      Address       E-mail    Meetings/Info
       Armistice  Day  around  the  War  Memorial  in
       the churchyard on Saturday 11  November
       –  thank  you  to  Lay  Worship  Leader  and                                         Autumn Leaves  -  First   Sylvia Bayliss   472697      sbayliss194@ou  1st Thursday at 2.30pm at
       Churchwarden,  Sarah  Welton,  for  leading                                          Thursday Club                         the Scout Hut
       this,  and  for  the  main  parade  on                                                              Sue Stone   472083            susan97stone@
       Remembrance Sunday.  Thank you to those
       who decorated the church and those from                                              Bere Regis Bell Ringers   Adrian   471774              Normal practice night  -
                                                                                                                                                   Wednesdays 6.30 p.m. to

       the Scout Group who put out and put away                                                            Jenny Clifford                          7.30 p.m.
       chairs in the church.
                                                                                            Bere Regis Book Group   Lesley Clark   01929           First Tuesday of the month

                                                                                                                     471732                        at 2.30 p.m.. Various
       Coming up in the parishes…                                                                                                                  locations
       Advent Course                                                                        Bere Regis Primary   Rachael Brown  471334   Southbrook   office@berereg  Primary and Pre-school for
                                                                                            School and Pre-School
                                                                                                           -  Headteacher
                                                                                                                                                   pupils aged 2-11years.
                                                                                                                           Bere Regis
       Lo, He comes: Music for Advent – this is being held on Thursdays 30  November,                                      BH20 7DB                  Separate pre-school
       7 , 14  and 21  December – 2.15pm – 3.45pm in the barn of Throop House.  For                                                                facilities at 'Pebbles' for 2-
       more details, please see the advert further on in this magazine.                                                                            4years

                                                                                                                                                   Breakfast club available
                                                                                                                                                   from 7.45am for children
                                                                                                                                                   over 3 years.
       Special services in December                                                         Bere Regis Floral Group  Bob Holman   01305            2nd Tuesday at
       Saturday 9  December – 6pm, Bere Regis Church                                                                 848262   Camelot, Affpuddle,  bobdiholman@  Winterborne Kingston
                                                                                                                           DT2 7HH
                                                                                                                                                   village hall
       Instead of a traditional Carol Service, St John the Baptist, Bere Regis are pleased
       to  welcome  Wareham  Choral  Society  to  church  for  their  ‘CELEBRATION  OF      Bere Regis Gardening    Sue Stone   472083   97 North Street, Bere   susan97stone@  Monthly.  Village Hall
       CHRISTMAS’  which  will  include  Christmas  music  and  carols  for  both  choir  and   Club                       Regis, BH20 7LD   1st Tuesday.  7.30 p.m.
       audience.  Free admission, retiring collection for church – ALL WELCOME.             Bere Regis Junior   Pat Wharf   472246   The Old Vicarage,   peterwharf@bti  Second Sunday of every
                                                                                            Church                         West Street   month in Church 10.000-
                                                                                                                                                   11.00 a.m.
       Sunday 10  December – 11am Christmas Cake Family Service, Bere Regis
                                                                                            Bere Regis Parish   Jon Park                 Bereregis.parish  Monthly, Village Hall
       Our traditional ‘Cake Service’ with Junior Church activities from 10am, will be held   Council                                    council.chair@  2nd Thursday
       on Sunday 10  December at 11am – the children will be dressing up and telling
       the  Nativity  story,  come  along  and  join  in  the  Carols  and  enjoy  seasonal   Bere Regis Sports Club   Andy Kent   471079   94 North Street   membership@b  Village football and cricket
                                                                                                                                                   teams for all ages
       refreshments afterwards.                                                             Cricket        Herbie Swann   472812

                                                                                            Bere Regis Folk Nights   Pip Evans           pipthebass@bti  Folk music evenings,, last
       Sunday 17  December – 3pm Blue Christmas Service, Bere Regis Church                                                        Tuesday, 7.30, Skittle Alley,
                                                                                                                                                   Drax Arms
       Sometimes Christmas hurts…  sometimes we don’t want to feel jolly and bright just
       because it’s Christmas.  We may be grieving a loved one, struggling with illness,

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