Page 3 - BR December 2023
P. 3

December 2023                       December 2023


                           with TURNERSPUDDLE

                              Our                                Our Mission:
                              Vision:           To encourage awareness of the
                              To make         presence of God through worship
                              Christ’s                      music and the arts;
                              love               To encourage everyone in the
                              known in          Christian faith through example,
                              the world           learning and spiritual growth;
                              today and        To make our churches open and
                              to live out      welcoming to all, and supportive
                              his                             of those in need;
                                            To challenge injustice at home and
                                              abroad and to balance our care
                                                           for the environment.


       Well, it’s the middle of November – that came around very suddenly -and here I
       am writing for the December magazine having not even bought Christmas cards
       yet,  let  alone  presents  for  the  grandchildren.    Don’t  get  me  wrong,  I  love
       Christmas, the nativity story, the hope that a new baby brings, the happy smiley
       faces, but it doesn’t actually happen until nearly the end of December, there are
       four weeks of preparing before then still to come.
       The  time  of  waiting  is  called  Advent  and  traditionally  decorations  and  trees
       wouldn’t go up until after the fourth Sunday of Advent, this year that’s Christmas
       Eve,  maybe  that’s  a  little  late  even  for  me!    We  also  have  quite  a  few  family
       birthdays in December, mine included, sometimes it’s hard to even buy a card!  In
       our house we keep the tree and decorations up until twelfth night and the crib
       and cards stay out until Candlemas, the 2  February, which is when the Christmas
       season actually ends in the church calendar.  In the shops there is no sign that
       Christmas has actually happened after January 1 , except in the sales.
       Whilst I do love Christmas it also comes with its challenges.  Every Christmas, when
       decorating our tree, I bring out a little Angel that takes pride of place near the
       top.  She’s not very big, she’s not especially spectacular, but she is very special –
       to me.  She was given to me by a very dear friend nearly 50 years ago when we

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