Page 63 - br-dec-2022
P. 63

December 2022                                                                       December 2022

       POP IN PLACE NEWS                                                                    will focus on:
                                                                                                community warm rooms/spaces especially those in rural areas
        It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas                                             community  food  projects  including  lunch  clubs,  dinner  clubs  and
        …                                                                                        community meals

        It’s hard  to  believe it  is coming  up  to   Christmas  again,                        foodbanks including community fridges
        they say it’s a sign of getting older when time flies past so
        fast  one year  unbelievably into the next. This Christmas will be a difficult time for      low level Mental Health projects
        so many, with the cost of living rocketing. Please do remember we have our food
        support project if you are really struggling and need help do please get in touch.
                                                                                            Schools Admissions
        We also have the Blankets for Bere and some knitted gloves if you are finding the
        cold and need these items don’t be afraid to get in touch.                          Dorset  are  running  the  annual  consultation  on  the  School  Admission
                                                                                            Arrangements 2024/2025 with effect from Monday 7th November 2022 to Sunday
        Although for some it will be hard to feel truly festive with so many financial worries   18th December 2022. Details of the consultation will be available to view at 2024
        hanging over them, but our job here at the Pop In Place is to try to lift spirits.   to 2025 school admission policies - Dorset Council.
        The Christmas play is on 15  16  17  December see poster for details do come        Responses must be submitted either in writing to School Admissions Team, Dorset
        along and again if you really can’t afford those tickets just email me and we will   Council,   County   Hall,   Dorchester,   DT1   1XJ   or   by   email   to
        make concessions.                                                          by Sunday 18th December 2022. Upon
                                                                                            the  conclusion  of  the  consultation  period  all  responses  will  be  considered
        We have a festive morning on Friday 23  December with carols and mince pies         carefully, and a report will be presented to Dorset Council’s Cabinet meeting on
        10am -12 noon .                                                                     Tuesday 28th February 2023.

        Bere Regis Community Café Pop In and see us you will be                             Other items in the main report on the Bere Regis PC website
        very welcome
                                                                                                Ukraine homes in Dorset update
        Every Friday morning we are here at the Community Café to welcome everyone
        who walks through the door.                                                             Gritting schedule

        We also welcome new volunteers to help on our team for serving the drinks and           Progress to Net Zero
        at events.                                                                              Land Charges
        Call the Team Leader Alison 01929 472023 for more details.                              Library consultation
        The café is open for coffee, tea, squash, latte and biscuits.                           Dorset Councillor leaves Lib Dems

        In  the  Lower  Hall  there  is  a  workshop.  If  you  need  a  lift  telephone  Kim  01929      Vulnerable Women - help
                                                                                                                                         Peter Wharf, Dorset Councillor

        Work shop and Repair Shop
        We have a small group meet on Friday mornings and do some wood work in the
        Lower room of the hall : making bird boxes, bug hotels and  planters etc  We have
        completed and refurbished the table tennis table and that is available for people
        to play a game.

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