Page 56 - br-dec-2019
P. 56

December 2019                                                                       December 2019

                                                                                                              BERE REGIS NEWS

                                                                                           BERE REGIS PARISH COUNCIL

                                                                                           Chairman:          Ian Ventham     471480

                                                                                           Vice Chairman:     Bryan Benjafield    07969
                                                                                           Parish Clerk:      Amanda          472327

                                                                                            The  Parish  Council  met  on  Thursday  14th  November  2019  at  the  Drax  Hall.  4
                                                                                            members  of  the  public  were  present.  The  next  meeting  will  be  on  Thursday  9
                                                                                            January at the Drax Hall, starting at 7pm. Please note there will be no December
                                                                                            meeting  due  to  the  Drax  Hall  being  used  as  the  polling  station  for  the  General
                                                                                            Election. All parishioners are very welcome to attend and to take the opportunity
                                                                                            to raise any matters or concerns at the start of the meeting.

                                                                                            Dorset Plan

                                                                                            Dorset Councillor, Peter Wharf, gave a presentation covering the Dorset Council's
                                                                                            'Dorset  Plan',  explaining  how  the  newly  formed  Council  intend  reshaping,
                                                                                            rebuilding and improving the services and facilities they provide over the coming
                                                                                            years.  Cllr  Wharf  is  happy  to  give  the  same  presentation  to  any  groups  or
                                                                                            organisations within his Ward who wish to learn more about the workings of the
                                                                                            new Dorset Council.

                                                                                            Rowlands Wait

                                                                                            The  Council  are  aware  of  a  change  of  ownership  at  Rowlands  Wait  Campsite
                                                                                            and  have  heard  concerns  about  potential  changes  from  local  residents.  We
                                                                                            have invited the new owner to come to a Parish Council meeting in the New Year
                                                                                            and discuss his plans for the site, and will publicise this when a date is agreed.

                                                                                            Remembrance Sunday
                                                                                            The  Annual  Remembrance  Ceremony  was  very  well  attended  on  Sunday  10
                                                                                            November following the usual procession through the village.  We were pleased

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