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December 2018                       December 2018

 WINTER SERIES OF EVENING TALKS    I gather the attendance and observance at the Village Act of Remembrance at
       Bladen Valley at 11am was truly moving too. I am grateful to Jonathan Haigh,
       our local Licensed Lay Minister, who led that in my absence, my not being able
 – Briantspuddle Village Hall   to be in two places at once.
 We are pleased to announce that we are once again hosting a series of evening   In Bere Regis in the evening the Commemoration continued with the Lighting of
 talks in the Briantspuddle Village Hall. There will be 5 talks on various topics, one   the Beacon on Souls Moor, and our thanks to Eddie Butterfield and Tony King for
 each month from January to May.  All the details are still being finalised but the   that, with another short ceremony. The final event in the Scout Hut was a time for
 dates (all Wednesdays) are booked for: -   rolls and soup provided by the WI and singing of WW1 songs led by Paul Martin
       and others. It was such a privilege to be part of it all.
 16  January 2019
 20  February 2019   A colour page spread of all the photographs is in the centre of the magazine.
 20  March 2019   Many  thanks  to  Julien  and  Bernie  Lightfoot  and  to  Tony  Bates  for  the
 17  April 2019   photography and layouts.
 15  May 2019
 There are two slots left so if you, or someone you
 know, have a deep knowledge of a topic which   ADVENT CAROL SERVICE
 you  feel  may  interest  the  village  folk,  then
 please let me know and I’ll see if I can slot you   December  2   is  Advent  Sunday,  when  in  the  Church  we  begin  a  season  of
 in.   preparation  for  Christmas...even  if  in  the  secular  and  commercial  world  that
       preparation has been going on since August in some places!! In addition to our
 The talks start at 7:30 pm and we ask for a £3 donation, which gets you a cuppa
 and biscuits as well as an erudite advancement in your cerebral skills. More news   morning  services  in  both  churches,  we  have  a  special  Advent  Carol  Service  at
 next month.   6pm. The singing will be led by an extended choir as in the past. Last year it was
       different  because  we  were  holding  our  services in  the  School  Hall  but  it  will  be
 Mike Menzies, 471263,   back to usual this year so please come and join us!

 We wish all our   These will have begun at the end of November but you are always welcome to

 Readers, Advertisers   join  them.  They  will  be  based  on  well-known  Christmas  carols.  On  Monday
       evenings  (7:15  for7:30pm)  at  Bladentye  in  Briantspuddle  and  on  Thursday
       mornings in Bere Regis. Please ask me for more details but know that you will be
 and Regular   very welcome.

 Contributors a Very                                                    Charles

 Merry Christmas and

 a Happy New Year

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