Page 3 - BR August 2023
P. 3

August 2023                          August 2023

                           with TURNERSPUDDLE

                              Our                                Our Mission:
                              Vision:           To encourage awareness of the
                              To make         presence of God through worship
                              Christ’s                      music and the arts;
                              love               To encourage everyone in the
                              known in          Christian faith through example,
                              the world           learning and spiritual growth;
                              today and        To make our churches open and
                              to live out      welcoming to all, and supportive
                              his                             of those in need;
                                            To challenge injustice at home and
                                              abroad and to balance our care
                                                           for the environment.


       It is a fact - I love eating bread!  Any type of bread it seems, cooked in any way.
       It is the main reason why I will never be that slim looking woman that I see in my
       mind!  I also love the smell of freshly baked bread; it has that same warm fuzzy
       feeling  as  freshly  brewed  coffee.    When  I  have  the  time,  or  more  importantly
       when the oven is on, I like to bake some bread, I admit for years now I mix and
       knead the dough in the bread maker, but I remove, split, knead and prove the
       two  loaves  in  the  traditional  way.    When  they’re  cool  if  I  don’t  slice,  bag  and
       freeze  they’ll  be  gone  by  tomorrow,
       such  is  their  tantalizing  grip  on  me
       and  my  stomach!    For  most  of  us
       bread is a staple, something we can
       turn to easily to fill us up, to make us
       feel better when we’re not too good,
       I mean, who doesn’t like a bit of toast
       and honey to cheer them up.
       Of course, we wouldn’t have bread if
       it wasn’t for the farmers who grow the
       wheat  and  other  crops  to  produce
       the  different  types  of  flour  needed.

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