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August 2022                                                                          August 2022
       would you know that you may ask?  One thing to look out for is the colours used       DATES FOR
       for  different  seasons  in  church,  mainly  on  the  altar  and  at  communion.    During
       Ordinary Time they are Green and at this time of year it’s between Trinity Sunday,
       this year 12  June, and always finishes by All Saints Day, 1  November.  There may            YOUR DIARY
       also be a few weeks of Ordinary Time after Candlemas – when Jesus, at 40 days
       old,  was  presented  in  the  Temple,  on  2   February  and  the  beginning  of  Lent,   2022
       when everything goes  Purple.  Those  great  markers in  the  year, of Easter  (White)
       and Christmas (also White), seem a long way away, but it won’t be long before
       we see the night’s drawing in again and children start excitedly drawing up their         Floral Group                Autumn Leaves                   Communibus   Women’s Institute
       Christmas  lists!    This  season  may  be  called  Ordinary  Time,  but  it’s  anything  but
       ordinary for those who lives are changing at this time.                                   Salt and Pepper Club   Pop in Place    Twinning      Gardening Club
       As I write this, we will be saying goodbye in school to the Year 6’s as they leave
       their Primary years behind and go on to their respective Secondary Schools.  What        SP   18th   Salt and Pepper Club
       will the future hold for them I wonder?   Then there will be those younger children
       looking forward  to starting  ‘big’  school in  September,  and  those finishing  school
       and finding their way in the workplace.  We look back and think where did those            24th   Seaton
       years  go?    The  changes  our  children  make  from  baby  to  toddler  to  school
       uniforms to adults happen in a flash.                                                            September
       Sometimes  we  would  just  like  time  to  stand  still,  especially  when  we  are
       comfortable with life.  But, as the Preacher in the Old Testament Book Ecclesiastes        1st   Talk and photographs on Dorset Village with Mary
       says, there is a time for everything and a season for every activity under heaven.               Graham
       People  and  circumstances  change,  and  we  must  accept  that,  it  is  from  these
       things  that  we  learn  and  grow.    It’s  good  to  know  though,  that  through  all  the      7th   West Bay
       changes, be they good or bad, happy or sad, God is with us accompanying us on
       our journey.  God has all the time in this world and beyond to spend with us and
       it’s just because he loves us.                                                             13th   Marion Catt talk                                  2.00pm
       We are reminded of this every year when we think about the last week of Jesus’
       life that led to the pain and suffering of crucifixion before he was raised to new life     SP   15th   Salt and Pepper Club
       on Easter morning.  Easter, of course, has come and gone, but we can use this
       Ordinary  Time  to  carry  on  remembering  that  sacrifice.    Time  spent  with  God,
       thanking him for his love, seems such a small price to pay in comparison.                  21st   Wilton House Garden Centre

       With blessings,
                                                                                                  30th   Macmillan Coffee Morning, Village Hall            10-2


                                                                                                  5th   Street Shopping Village

                                                                                                  6th   Photographic Adventures on the Dorset Coast

                                                                                                  11th   Sandy Milne  -  workshop                          2.00pm

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