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August 2022                          August 2022


    YOUR DIARY             with TURNERSPUDDLE

                                                                 Our Mission:
 2022                         Our               To encourage awareness of the
                              To make         presence of God through worship
    Floral Group                Autumn Leaves                   Communibus   Women’s Institute     Christ’s   music and the arts;

 Salt and Pepper Club   Pop in Place    Twinning   Gardening Club   love   To encourage everyone in the
                              known in          Christian faith through example,
    20th  Salt and Pepper Club      the world     learning and spiritual growth;
                              today and        To make our churches open and
    21st   Purbeck Film Festival evening in Briantspuddle Village      to live out   welcoming to all, and supportive
 Hall.  “Operation Mincemeat” (rating 12A)   his              of those in need;
    26th  Bridport                          To challenge injustice at home and
                                              abroad and to balance our care
                                                           for the environment.

    3rd   Party to Celebrate 50 years      LETTER FROM OUR ASSOCIATE PRIEST

    9th   Haskins and HobbyCraft      Dear friends

    15th   Coral Gardener  -  Christmas Open Demonstration at   2.00pm   Ordinary Time
 Tarrant Keynston Village Hall
       Where does the time go?
     17th   Salt and Pepper Club      It hardly seems possible that I am already writing for the August magazine.  Time
       certainly does fly when you’re having fun!   It’s been great getting back to a new
       kind  of  ‘normal’  whether  in  church  or  with  the  different  groups  in  these
    23rd   Winchester
       communities.  At both churches there have been baptisms, weddings, marriage
       banns to call and sadly funerals.  We’ve enjoyed that wonderful exhibition in Bere
       December      Regis Church over the Jubilee weekend and Messy Church have gone wild in the
       churchyard.   Affpuddle Church are looking forward to another music afternoon
       and picnic in the Peace Garden this month.  These are all reasons for family and
    14th   Salisbury Christmas Shopping      friends  to  come  together  and  enjoy  a  particular  moment  in  time.    We  have
       enjoyed time with our family, and our grandchildren certainly make good use of
     SP   15th   Salt and Pepper Club      the vicarage garden when they are here!
       At both churches we’ve just had new sets of Service Sheets for our Communion
    21st   Christmas Lights with Fish and Chip supper  -  leave at      services printed, they are for Ordinary Time, and someone asked what Ordinary
 5.30pm   Time  meant.   Well, we are in the season of Ordinary Time in church now.  How

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