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August 2021                                                                          August 2021

       crowds.  All sports men and women know that only hard work and perseverance

       will help them to achieve their goals and mean that they reach their full potential.    DATES FOR
       But you don’t have to be an elite athlete, or someone even remotely interested in
       sport to be the best you can be, we all have the ability to grow and learn and
       achieve in the right conditions.                                                            YOUR DIARY
       In Matthew’s Gospel Jesus tells the parable of the mustard seed, Jesus said that    2022
       the kingdom of heaven is like a mustard seed that someone took and sowed in
       his field; it is the smallest of all the seeds, but when it has grown it is the greatest of
       shrubs and becomes a tree, so that the birds of the air come and make nests in its        Floral Group                Autumn Leaves                  Twinning
                                                                                                 Women’s Institute       Pop in Place        Gardening Club
       We all have great potential and if we’re provided with the right conditions, we
       can be the people we are capable of being.  Sometimes we have to be a bit
       brave and take hold of new experiences we’re offered.  It may not lead to a gold                 January
       medal, or any type of medal, but with the right encouragement and support we
       can all be winning at life.                                                               12th   Egyptian Dance


                                                                                                 16th   Joyce Grenfell
       Parish/Benefice news

       At  the  time  of  going  to  print  we  are  still  trying  to  work  out  what  we  can  and
       cannot  do  safely  during  services  in  church.    We  do  know  that  there  will  be  no         March
       need to book a place anymore.  We would obviously like everyone to continue to
       feel comfortable and safe so please follow any directions given.  Thank you.
                                                                                                 1st    Pancake Day
       The recruitment process for a new Incumbent, who will live in  Wool, and a new
       House for Duty Priest, who will live in West Lulworth, are well under way.  Please        16th   Jurassic Coast
       keep these processes in your prayers.

       Messy Church is taking a summer break, but will be back in September, watch out
       for news next month.

                                                                                                 20th   Annual Meeting

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