Page 7 - br-august-2019
P. 7

August 2019                          August 2019

       very well and Sally seemed very happy. The Junior Church family involves people
       of all ages from a two year old up to a 92 year old. Our “Honoured Oldies” are
       particularly supportive and we younger ones (tongue in check in my case) love to

       look after them in return. This includes organising lifts / wheelchairs for some who
 When you respond to advertisers, do please tell them you saw   find getting to St John’s difficult. So please do not let a little bit of immobility stop
       you coming on a second Sunday in the month. Below are photos of the setting
 their advert in this magazine  -  it helps them monitor the   before the lunch and one of Sally giving a small speech after the meal.
 effectiveness of their advert and helps us generate more   There is also a photo of the children with Rev Jenny doing craft work whilst thinking
 advertising revenue!!   about the theme of the service which was prayer. During the service there was a
       powerful sketch imagining God interrupting somebody praying the Lord’s Prayer
       and  asking  if  they  really  understood  the  meaning.  This  was  followed  by  Jenny’s
       talk  about  the  three  things  to  remember  when  praying:-  keep  it  simple,  keep  it

 ADVERTISING RATES     real, and keep it up.
       The Sunday in general went very well, except technology was continually playing
 for the year 2019
       up, including the printer refusing to print the second part of the song sheet, the CD
 (Cheques to be made payable to Bere Regis PCC)   player miss behaving in the puppet song, and not all the photos working, so sorry
 Rates for charitable, community or non-profit organisations are charged at 50% of above.   but the photos above are limited.

       On the Open the Book side, we have now finished for the summer, starting again
 Full year advertising is based on complete calendar years.  Adverts inserted for part
       in the second week of the autumn term. The last two that we did went down very
 years are charged at a pro-rata rate of the full year cost.  Full year advertisers are
       well. One was the story of the storm on the lake, with several disciples on a make
 automatically included on both village websites.   believe  boat,  being  tossed  about  and  feeling  sick,  including  one  saying  “tax
       collectors do not like boats”. The other was an Old Testament story when Moses
 Full page, full year   £260   Full page, one month   £38
       sent spies across the Jordan to check out the land on the other side. On the other
 Half page, full year   £160   Half page, one month   £22   side of our make believe river was lots of foliage and rocks for the spies to hide
       behind and our volunteers from the “before school” club acted very convincingly.
 Third page, full year   £120   Third page, one month   £16
       As part of a joint benefice including Wool I will also mention the Messy Church that
 Quarter page, full year   £98   Quarter page, one month   £13
       happens on the first Saturday of the month at Wool Church. Some of you might
       have seen the similar children’s activities at Bere Fest. If you would like any more
 Small-ads, full year   £70   Small-ads, one month   £11
       information of these children’s activities please ring 472246. Pat Wharf.

 For all advertising enquiries, contact the Editor, details on inside back cover.

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