Page 6 - br-august-2019
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August 2019                                                                          August 2019
                                                                                                     SMALL ADS
                                                                                             TREE SURGEONS            Improve Strength,       Sharon Dobson
       BERE REGIS BELL RINGERS                                                              Felling/pruning/shredding/  Balance, Mobility        Handmade

                                                                                              35 years experience,       and Health          Find out how I can help you
                                                                                            City & Guilds qualified, fully                    transform the look of your
       In  August,  the  Bere  Regis  Bell  Ringers  are  pleased  to  be                          insured,          Join one of my exercise         home.
       installing  a  memorial  plaque  in  the  ringing  chamber  to                       Tree Works Application on   classes in Wool, Winfrith,   Bespoke handmade curtains
       commemorate our former bell ringing colleague and Tower                                    your behalf           Briantspuddle or       and alterations, Roman
       Captain, John England.  The plaque, which has been made                                                             Lulworth           blinds, soft furnishings and
                                                                                            Mike and Emma Lucy Menzies
       from  one  of  the  rope  pulleys  which  were  replaced  when                          THE ELM BRANCH          Contact Elaine on        upholstery projects
       the bells were refurbished, is the combined effort of four of                             Tel: 01929 471263       01929 462916
       our ringers.  Terry Kent cleaned and smoothed the surface                                Mob: 07419312517                               07960 459834
                                                                                                                         07967 203581
       of the pulley on his lathe; Jenny Clifford applied a gouache surface and lacquer             Email: 
       background;  Jill  Marsden  added  the  gold  leaf  bell;  and  Nancy  Jones  provided
       the finishing touch with the calligraphy.  We hope you agree that it’s a very fitting
       tribute to a well respected, and still much missed, member of our community.                                    Carpet Fitter              Computer
                                                                                                Drax Hall
                                Although  four  of  our  newer  ringers  (Nancy  Jones,                                    P J Bushby             Problems?
                                Moira  Mathers,  Norman  Reid  and  Liz  Webb)  were         Available for hire for private
                                                                                                                                               Email & internet support
                                formally  welcomed  as  members  of  the  Salibury             parties or for regular    All aspects of carpet and   Wireless networking setup
                                Diocesan Guild of Ringers in July with presentation of                                 vinyl fitting undertaken.
                                                                                             Large hall and smaller room   Domestic or commercial.     PC and Laptop repairs
                                their membership certificates by the Chairman of the          are both available.  The    Your own materials fitted or   Virus and malware removal
                                Dorchester Branch of the Guild, Janet Ranger, we still       latter especially suitable for   home selection if preferred.     No call-out charge
                                don’t  always  have  a  full  team  of  six  experienced       children’s parties.  For    Helpful advice always    Over 20 years’ experience
                                ringers  for  services.    We  are  therefore  still  keen  to   details of hiring charges etc.    available.  The complete    Call Alan on :
                                recruit  and  train  new  ringers.    Our  regular  practice                         carpet and flooring service.   01929 480529
                                night  is  Wednesday,  from  18:30  to  19:30,  so  why  not   Contact Hall Secretary - Lyn
                                come along, see what’s involved and have a go.                     Simmonds           01202 624684                07710 835905
                                                                                              01929 471528                          
       Finally,  please  note  that  there  will  be  visiting  ringers  on  Tuesday,  6  August  and
       Saturday, 10 August.

                                      Adrian Standfield, Tower Captain, 01929 471774                                 KDL PLUMBING
                                                                                                Slimming                                     Advertise here
                                                                                                                        & HEATING            for only £70 a
       JUNIOR                     “Why don’t you come and join us at the                          World                Immersion heaters,           year
       CHURCH                     Family Service on the second Sunday                       Puddletown group          cylinders, cold water
                                                                                                                     tanks, ball valves, taps,   The best form of
       NEWS                            of every month at 11.00 am”                           Mondays at 7.30pm,       showers and more.        local advertising

                                                                                               Puddletown First       Mobile 0747-512-       and a great way of
       Most summers the Junior Church extended family has celebrated with a summer                                          8249                 keeping your
       party. This year there was a particularly good reason. One member of our family,           Call Julie                                    contact details
       Sally Cheeseman, was 80 on the day of the service. So after the service we had a                                Home (01929) -        handy every month.
       birthday lunch in the side aisle of the church for all that where there. It all went off   07871 821928             510848

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