Page 17 - br-august-2019
P. 17

August 2019                          August 2019

 I  suspect,  like  all  the  groups  in  the  village,  Bere
 Regis  WI  is  still  quietly  congratulating  itself  on  a
 successful ‘Bere Fest’ on 30  June 2019, both from
 our  own  perspective  and  that  of  the  village.    In
 our  smart  new  T-shirts,  we  were  able  to  raise  our
 profile  and,  via  our  stall,  showcase  our
    many  skills  from  crafts  to  cake  and  jam
 making.   We’d like to extend our thanks
 to  the  organisers  and  everyone  who
 participated,  for  making  it  such  an
 enjoyable day. In particular, thank you to
 all  those  who  attempted  to  ‘Name  the
 Bear’.  After  much  speculation  as  to
 gender,  his  name  was  found  to  be
 Humphrey.    Autumn  correctly  guessed
 this  name  and  is  now  taking  great  care
 of  her  new  friend  –  in  spite  of  the
 difference in size!
 Although we have no meeting in August,
 we  will  be
 meeting  on

 Wednesday, 21  August 2019 for the annual County
 WI  Quiz.  We  thoroughly  enjoy  exercising  the  little
 grey cells and have in the past reached the final!
 Similarly, our pre-season skittles continue to be great
 fun and we have a bonus session at 2.00  – 4.00pm
 on Thursday, 8  August 2019  at Winterborne Zelston
 Village Hall.  As with Stitch and Twitch, there will be
 no Lunch Club in August but both will reconvene in
 September.    Stitch  and  Twitch  will  continue  in  the
 Bere  Regis  Sports  Club  on  the  4   Wednesday  of
 each  month  from  9.30am  to  12.00pm.    We  are
 planning a programme of small projects that should
 be of interest to members and non-members alike.
 Lunch Club in September will visit the ‘Sculpture by
 the Lakes’ café at Tincleton.  For July we visited the
 Vineyard  Café  on  the  Langham  Wine  Estate  at
 Crawthorne,  where  nine  members  enjoyed  an  ‘al
 fresco’ lunch (and a glass of the vineyard’s signature
 sparkling wine) from the creative selection of ‘small

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