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April 2024                                                                           April 2024
        OFFICE AND VILLAGE SHOP                                                            LOCAL CHOIR NEWS

                                                                                           Choral Services and Musical Events at St Peter’s Church,
       SHOP AND PO NEWS – APRIL 2024                                                       Dorchester, during April
                                                                                           Our  monthly  service  of  Choral  Eucharist  takes  place  on  Sunday  14   April  at
                                                                                           10.30am. The music includes Harris’s ‘Holy is the true light’, Gabrielli’s Missa Brevis in
       The  AGM was  held on  22 February.  The following committee  members  were  re-    F’  and  ‘Ave  regina  caelorum’  by  Samuel  Wesley.  All  are  welcome  to  this  free
       elected for this year:                                                              event and for refreshments afterwards.

                      Peter Head             Jo Neudegg                                    On Saturday 20  April, between 12.30pm and 1.00pm, we welcome Dorchester-
                                                                                           based musicians Stefan Oakes (baritone) and Peter Oakes (piano) to perform a
                      Richard Killer         Cindy Read                                    lunchtime concert of operatic arias. This is a free concert and we hope you will
                                                                                           join  us  for  an  enjoyable  half  hour  of  wonderful  music  in  the  midst  of  your  busy
                      Peter Martin           Lesley Wilcox                                 Saturday!
                      Chris Miller
                                                                                           Our  monthly  service  of  Choral  Evensong  takes  place  on  Saturday  27   April  at
                                                                                           4.30pm, when we commemorate 100 years since the death of Sir Charles Villiers
       There is still one vacancy on the committee so if you might be interested in joining   Stanford. The music includes Stanford’s ‘Beati quorum via’, ‘Magnificat and Nunc
       please have a word with one of the committee members or leave your name and         dimittis in G’ and ‘The Lord is my shepherd’ along with Brian Cotterill’s ‘Preces &
       contact details with the shop and one of us will get in touch.                      Responses in homage to Stanford’.  All are very welcome to this free event and
       The draft minutes of the meeting are on the community website but some points       we hope you will join us for a glass of wine afterwards.
       of interest are:                                                                    Internationally  renowned  vocal  ensemble,  The  Gesualdo  Six,  are  coming  to  St
            Extra Saturday opening to be trialled starting on 30 March, noon – 4pm. We    Peter’s to give a concert on Friday 6  September at 7pm and tickets are already
                                                                                           selling  quickly  -  don’t  miss  out!  You  can  visit  the  box  office  here:  https://
             may also trial opening for an hour one evening a week to help customers
             coming home from work.                                              
            An  e-mail  contact  list  to  be  set  up  to  provide  a  form  of  quick
             communication  with  customers
             advising  things  like  new  lines  in
             the  shop,  reminders  of  opening
             times  over  bank  holidays,  any
             bargains etc. If you would like to
             be  added  to  this  list  please
             leave  your  name  and  e-mail
             address in the shop.
            We  will  look  into  providing  a
             delivery  service  once  a  week  –                                           You  can  keep  up  with events  via  our  website:
             more details to follow.                                                       musicatstpeters  or  by  following  us  on  social  media:  Facebook:  https://
            Ways of improving access to the                                       -    X  (Twitter):  @musicatstpeter  -
             s h o p   w e r e   d i s c u s s e d .                                       Instagram @musicatstpetersdorch. If you would like to join our email list to receive
             Unfortunately  it  was  concluded                                             news  about  our  events,  drop  us  a  line  at:  All  of  our
             that  the  two  obvious  methods,  ie  installing  either  a  ramp  or  a  lifting   social media and contact details can be found at:

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