Page 69 - BR April 2024 - converted
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April 2024                            April 2024

 The Government always has to take tough decisions on taxes and spending, and
 it is a careful balancing act between reducing taxes and supporting the work of   BRIANTSPUDDLE AND AFFPUDDLE
 our vital public services. The Chancellor is focused on reducing inflation, growing
 the economy and reducing debt, to benefit us all.    NEWS
 I continue to hold regular surgeries in the constituency so please do get in touch if
 there is something you need help with, or if you’d like me to visit your organisation   AFFPUDDLE AND TURNERSPUDDLE PARISH
 or  business.  Email  me  on  or  contact  my
 office  on  01202  624216.  You  can  also  follow  what  I’ve  been   COUNCIL
 doing  on  Facebook  or
 on my website

 Michael Tomlinson MP   LOCAL MEMBER OF
 holds regular surgeries   PARLIAMENT
 in the constituency.  For
 details of forthcoming
 surgeries or to make an   
 appointment, please
 contact his office.     01202 624216   Elections 2024
    Elections  notice  have  now  been  received  from  the  Electoral  Commission  and

       have  now  been  posted  locally  on  noticeboards  and  on  the  Parish  Council
       Now is the time to ensure that your name is on the Electoral Register so that you
    Did you Know?   can support your community and vote. Copies of the Electoral Register are kept
       at post offices, libraries and by town and parish clerks so a quick check to make
       sure your name is there would take no time at all. It’s your right to vote, so don’t
 Would you like to have the parish magazine delivered to your door each month   miss out. Deadline for registering to vote in the upcoming elections is 16  April.
 if you live within the parishes?
       In  addition  to  Dorset  Council  Elections,  Parish  Council  Elections  are  also  due  in
 We have a fantastic team of volunteer distributors who undertake the   May.  The  Parish  has  a  quota  of  9  Parish  Councillor  roles  to  fill.    If  there  are  9  or
 delivery of this magazine, and for just £10 a year (which is £2 less than you   fewer nominations there won’t be an election, rather those standing will be co-
 would pay at the retail price and no charge for delivery),  you could be included   opted as Parish Councillors.
 on one of these rounds.
       Have you ever considered being a Parish councillor?
 Contact the Editor, for more information:  Alison Debenham    or  01929 471780   Parish  and  Town  Councils  depend  on  local  people  taking  an  interest  in  what
       happens  in  their  community,  whatever  their  background  and  local  people

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