Page 4 - BR April 2024 - converted
P. 4

April 2024                                                              May          April 2024

       There is a prayer that sums this up, the ‘Prayer of Seven Directions’:                      2nd         Dorset Town and Parish Council Elections
       God before me: God behind me.
       God on my right and God on my left.
       God above me: God beneath me.                                                           1TC   2nd       Real Dorset Jonathan Woolcott
       God, this day within and about me.
                                                                                                   7th         Church visits and lunch  £10               10.00am
       I pray that we will all feel that great gift of God’s presence within us.
       My final day of services will be 9am BCP Communion at St Laurence’s Affpuddle,              9th         Parish Council AGM, Village Hall           7.00pm
       and  11am  Communion  at  St  John  the  Baptist,  Bere  Regis  on  Sunday  28   April   PC
       followed by a bring and share lunch for all those who would like to come.
                                                                                                   11th        Plant Sale, Honeycombe Cottage, Shitterton
       Finally,  may  I  take  this  opportunity  to  thank  you  all  very  much  for  your  love,
       support, care and above all the friendship shown to myself and my family, we will
       remember this benefice with great fondness and be assured that you will be in my            14th        Day out and venue to be decided
                                                                                               SP   16th       Soup, Hot Gammon,  Crème Brulee
       May God bless all that you do and be with you always.
       With much love, Sandra.                                                                     22nd        Romsey and the New Forest  £12             9.30am


       THANK YOU                                                                                  4th     Seaton and the Donkey Sanctuary  £12            9.30am

       Mothering Sunday
                                                                                                  6th     80  anniversary of D Day Tea Looking back and
       Thank  you  to  Liz  and  Susan  for                                                 1TC           remembering with War time favourites from Music
       making the posies at Affpuddle and                                                                 craft

                                                                                                  11th    Denise Jones  -  Summer Madness

                                                                                           PC     13th    Parish Council meeting, Village Hall            7.00pm

                                                                                               SP   20th   Chicken and leek pie, Eton Mess
                                        to Rev Jenny for taking the service.  At Bere
                                        Regis the children made posies during the
                                        Junior Church session, thank you to Glo for
                                        organizing this.  They then helped with the
                                        service  through  acting  in  the  story  and  as         26th    Sidmouth  £12                                   9.30am
                                        puppeteers with Emma and Sharon, Poppy
                                        and Daisy.                                           FN   25th

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