Page 3 - BR April 2024 - converted
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April 2024                            April 2024

    7th   American tea with a talk by Pip Evans and the Bere      with TURNERSPUDDLE
   1TC   Essentials talking and performing American Music

    9th   Mystery tour and lunch  £10   9.30am   Our             Our Mission:
                              Vision:           To encourage awareness of the
    9th   Julia Harrison  -  Through the Garden Gate      To make   presence of God through worship
                              Christ’s                      music and the arts;
   SP   18th   Pork loin steak, Sticky Toffee pudding      love   To encourage everyone in the

                              known in          Christian faith through example,
                              the world           learning and spiritual growth;
                              today and        To make our churches open and
    24th   Street and Palmers Nursery  £12   9.00am   to live out   welcoming to all, and supportive
                              his                             of those in need;
    30th                      teaching
   FN                                       To challenge injustice at home and
                                              abroad and to balance our care
                                                           for the environment.

       At funerals I quite often speak about the changing seasons, where there is a time
       for everything.  And as announced last month, the time has come for me to move
    6th   Stetminster Mill and Gillingham £12   9.30am   on into retirement. So, this is a time for Graham and I to say goodbye.  Whilst we
       will  be  moving  out  of  the  Vicarage  sometime  between  May  and  July,  my
       appointment as Associate Priest comes to an end on 30  April and therefore, I will
       Summer break      cease to do any ministry as I won’t be licensed!
       In some ways the four and half years that I’ve been here seems such a short time,
    SP   15th   Soup, cold ham and salads, summer pudding     but a lot has happened in that time, not least losing our previous Rector, Carol,
       and also being thrust into a global pandemic before which I had never heard of
             the  word  Zoom.    We’ve  also  welcomed  two  new  clergy  members  to  the
       benefice, our Vicar,  Canon  Rev Richard  Bartlett  and  Rev David  Chillman in  the
       Lulworth’s.  I’m sure you will see more of them and Rev Jenny Alidina in the future.
             I believe it was God that guided me here back in the Autumn of 2019 to work with
       Carol and Jenny and it was certainly God who has walked beside me during the
   FN   27th         ups and downs of ministry here.

       Knowing that God is in everything I do gives me great confidence and courage
       to face the unknown.  Whatever challenges you are facing at this very moment I
       would urge you to put your trust and faith in God because the great gift of God
       to us is that we dwell in him and he in us.

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