Page 3 - br-april-2020
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April 2020                            April 2020


    YOUR DIARY    Doing the normal abnormally

       In developing our responses to Coronavirus
       we are in uncharted territory. The Church of
       England’s     policies   change     as
 Key: FG-Floral Group, AL-Autumn Leaves, TA– Twinning, WI-Women’s   circumstances change. What we are doing
 Institute, PiP-Pop in Place, GC-Gardening Club   is  informed  by  the  best  scientific  advice
       and  government  policy.  We  need  a
       corporate discipline about this so in working
 18th  Salt and Pepper Club
       out your church policies please keep to this guidance.  Link to diocesan website
 23rd  Communibus  -  Ottery Nursery, Exeter
       During  the  recent  flooding  it  was  striking  that  in  every  affected  community
 25th  PiP Summer Show   6.00pm   churches were at the heart of the care and recovery programmes. We are local
       everywhere.  With  Coronavirus  the  suspension  of  public  worship  the  need  for
       ‘social distancing’ makes this more difficult. It is heartening to see that lots of good
 26th  PiP Summer Show   7.00pm
       ideas  are  being  developed  locally.  In  this  the  social  media  can  be  a  great
 27th  PiP Summer Show   2.00pm
       Good  pastoral  care  is  vital  for  the  whole  community,  especially  the  most
    July      vulnerable. Please work with neighbours to care for those most in need. Check on
       neighbours, shop for those staying in, make sure food banks continue to be well
 7th   Communibus  -  Portland Bill      stocked, form groups to act together, pray for one another.
       Prayer and worship are at the heart of church life. Private prayer has always been
 7th   FG: Irene Hickson: Chelsea Gold      a  core  practice.  Encourage  people  to  make  space  for  it  personally  and  as  a
       household. Use Morning and Evening Prayer if you want to be connected with the
 8th   AL: A speaker from Natural England      prayer of the wider Church community. Read the scriptures and hold people and
       events before God and say the Lord’s Prayer.  We  might also learn to pray with
 16th  Salt and Pepper Club      others on the phone, in chat groups and the like. Remember especially our health
       care  workers,  the  government  and  those  making  decisions  about  our  common
 22nd  Communibus  -  New Forest Lavender
       Church  buildings  can  stay  open  for  private  prayer  and  in  some  communities  it
       might be possible to advertise when someone can be there for those who want to
    August      talk in what are often large spaces where ‘social distancing’ is easy. If you do this,
       take  care  about  washing  and  cleaning.  Our  churches  continue  to  be  good
 11th  Communibus  -  Groves Nursery and West Bay
       places to pray in at the heart of every community. Work cooperatively even when
       it is not possible to do things by being physically together. We need one another,
 12th  AL: Home Grown Entertainments, bring a pencil and a poem      particularly in difficult times when we are learning to do the normal abnormally.
 20th  Salt and Pepper Club                                       Bishop Nicholas

 25th  Communibus  -  Sidmouth

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