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April 2020                                                                           April 2020

                                                                                           DATES FOR

                                                                                                    YOUR DIARY


                                                                                            Key: FG-Floral Group, AL-Autumn Leaves, TA– Twinning, WI-Women’s
                                                                                            Institute, PiP-Pop in Place, GC-Gardening Club

       else really did, he had to keep on saying that he was going to die.  For his disciples      September
       and followers, the unexpected happened, Jesus, the Messiah, was handed over to
       the authorities by none other than one of his closest friends.  Beaten and abused   8th   Communibus  -  Breamore House and Countryside Museum
       he was then led away to Calvary, where he was nailed to a cross and left to die
       with two criminals.  Just think how they must have felt, all their dreams would have   8th   FG: Katie Baxter: Autumn Falls
       been shattered.
                                                                                           9th   AL: 49th birthday tea, meet our new associate priest
       Then on the morning of the third day after Jesus had died, some women went to
       the tomb and found it empty  – how unexpected would that have been!  It’s so
       much easier with hindsight because then things that happen aren’t unexpected.       12th  PiP  -  Bere Regis Alzheimer’s Society Memory Walk      10.00am
       Amid the worry of the coronavirus I’m sure we will expect to have our hot cross     17th   Salt and Pepper Club
       buns on Good Friday, and our Easter Eggs on Easter Sunday and hopefully they’ll
       help  us  to  remember  Jesus  dying  on  a  cross  and  then  rising  to  new  life.    It’s  a   22nd  Communibus  -  Seaton
       chance for us to say corporately in church or privately, thank you.  Thank you to
       Jesus  Christ,  who  was  prepared  to  endure  the  very  worst  that  could  happen,
       meaning that whatever terrible things may happen in our lives, we can always turn   27th  PiP  -  Macmillan Coffee morning, Lower Hall            10.00-12.00
       to Jesus to be with us and sustain us.   Through the sacrifice that Jesus made we
       know  that  love  always  has  the  last  word.    I  do  hope  you  manage  to  stay
       connected in  some  way  to  loved  ones  and  to friends  and  neighbours  and  wish
       you all a very safe and happy Easter when it comes.                                       October
                                                            With blessings, Sandra
                                                                                           6th   Communibus  -  Bridport
                                                                                           13th  FG: Denise Jones: Floral Dreams
                                                                                           14th  AL: Alex Betts, guitar entertainment

                                                                                           15th   Salt and Pepper Club
                                                                                           20th  Hillier Gardens, Romsey
       At St Laurence’s, Affpuddle
       6  March Kath Wharton

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