Page 18 - br-april-2020
P. 18

April 2020                                                                           April 2020
                                                                                                                 BERE REGIS FLORAL GROUP

                                                                                                                The  April  and  May  meetings  of  the  Floral  Group  are
                                                                                                                cancelled.    Further  information  about  future  events  will
                                                                                                                be  communicated  in  due  course,  either  directly  to
                                                                                                                members or through this magazine.

                                                                                              When you respond to advertisers, do please tell them you saw
                                                                                                 their advert in this magazine  -  it helps them monitor the

                                                                                                 effectiveness of their advert and helps us generate more
                                                                                                                    advertising revenue!!

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