Page 14 - br-april-2020
P. 14

April 2020                                                                           April 2020
       because Jesus died that we can be reconciled to God.  We need to ask God’s
       forgiveness and commit our lives to Jesus,’ so that we no longer live for ourselves,
       but for Him who died for us’.  2 Corinthians 5:15
       May the reality of Jesus’ death and resurrection be yours this Easter time.

       Just a Smile
       Bibles that are falling apart are usually read by people that aren’t.
       An  evangelist  was  sitting
       in  an  aeroplane  on  one
       of his many flights, quietly
       reading  his  Bible.    The
       book showed the signs of
       much use, every line was
       underscored  in  various
       colours.  The passenger in
       the next seat noticing this
       asked   the   evangelist
       sarcastically  whether  he
       was  the  sort  of  person
       who felt the need to underline all his Bible.
       “No”, replied the evangelist, “only the good bits!”

       On the occasion of their golden wedding a couple shared with others the secret
       of their happy  marriage.  The husband said, “I have tried never to be selfish.  After
       all, there is no ‘I’ in marriage.”
        The wife said, “For my part, I have never corrected my husband’s spelling.”
                                                                   Joyce Healey

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