Page 87 - br-april-2019
P. 87

April 2019                            April 2019

 the day from John 15 in which Jesus tells us that he is the vine and we are the   DATES FOR
 branches.  The  purpose  of  the  branches is  to  bear fruit,  fruit  that  will  last.  Bishop
 Karen reminded us this requires that we always abide in Jesus and that where and      YOUR DIARY
 when necessary, we prune the branches in order that new life may sprout and
 flourish.  In  other  words,  the  work,  first  and  foremost  grounded  in  prayer,  now
 begins in  earnest!  With  this  in  mind,  we  are  underway  from  the  outset.  The  two   2019
 year Thrive Course, which looks to shape us for the future and in which 9 members
 of the benefice will take part, begins next week.
 As a former teacher, I admit that I had a bit of a soft spot for those who tested the
 boundaries  and  often  smiled  (to  myself)  at  some  of  the  mistakes  that  students   3rd   GC: Food for Free, Foraging for Wild Food, James Feaver   7.30
 made. I remember well, for example, the time I marked an exam paper where
 students  were  asked  to  describe  a  funeral  service.  One  student  was  doing   10th  FG: Willow Workshop, Puddletown
 extremely  well  with  the  details  until  it  came  to  the  words  of  committal  where
 instead of ‘ashes to ashes, dust to dust’ I read ‘as the coffin is lowered the vicar
 says these very important words: an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth’; such   11th  AL: Rob Curtis, Dorset Curiosities
 things  always  brightened  the  day.    I’m  quite  encouraged  that  although,  of
 course,  we  should  make  less  mistakes  with  experience,  such  things  can  still   18th  WI: Local Artist
 happen.  You  might  therefore imagine  my  delight  when  a  recent  edition  of  the
 Church Times (1  March 2019) had an article entitled “‘Lord, graciously heat us,’   14th  PiP: Bere Regis Alzheimer’s Memory Walk   10.00
 and other service-sheet blunders.” The article listed the top-ten list of mistakes on
 service sheets and booklets. Of these, my personal favourite was the church who   27th  PiP: MacMillan Coffee Morning   10.00-12.00
 decided  to  shred  400  copies  of  their  Easter  Day  service  leaflet  when  it  was
 realised that the printed words of a well known hymn invited the congregation to
 sing ‘I know that my Redeemer lies.’  Such things still brighten my day!  However,   October
 to return to less frivolous but perhaps related things, joys and sorrows…
       1st   GC: Harvest Supper
 Those  of  us  who  have  had  the  experience  of  birthing  new  life  know  well  the
 excitement and sheer joy that this can bring. When things so well and people do   8th   FG: R Thompson, Up the Garden Path
 well, often more than we might ever have hoped or imagined, we congratulate
 and celebrate with them. Honesty, though, also leads us to admit that even with   9th   AL: Tony Bates, Stunning Wildlife Photography
 previous  experience,  birthing  can  be  hard  work.  No  two  births  are  exactly  the
 same and things do not always go according to plan. Additionally, there is always
 so much for us to learn and together with all that will go very well, there will also   12th  PiP: Presentation Evening with Shaun Marx   7.30
 be teething problems and we will make mistakes because we are fallible human
 beings. This is as true of setting up a new benefice as it is of entering into a new   16th  WI: The Watercress Company
 phase of family and that’s because it is, of course, entering into a new phase of
 family life; in our case the family of God in this place.  At the time of a new birth      November
 we also experience change and we have to get used to the fact that somethings
 will  be  different,  sometimes  radically  so.  Some  people  embrace  change  and   5th   GC: Roaming Free  -  New Forest Ponies, Suzanne Kemp   7.30
 thrive on it, other do not; either way it is something we do all have to face at times
 in our lives as painful as it may be.  At such times we’re called to support each
 I guess when something changes and we don’t like the change or, alternatively
 as above, when someone makes a mistake, the temptation could be to complain

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