Page 85 - br-april-2019
P. 85

April 2019                         April 2019
 CHURCH ROTAS   Sidesmen
       DATES FOR
 7     10.00am      Mr Bates/Mr House
    Readers      Chalice      Mr House/Mr Ward      YOUR DIARY
 7 th           Intercessions    Mr Croom
 Gospel: Mr Smith      6.00pm      Mr Gibbs    2019
 Epistle: Mrs Ward
    14 th   11.00am      Junior Church   Key: FG-Floral Group, AL-Autumn Leaves, TA– Twinning, WI-Women’s
 21           Institute, PiP-Pop in Place, GC-Gardening Club
 Gospel: Mr Croom   21    10.00am      Mr Smith/Mr Croom
 Epistle: Mrs Cox      Chalice      Mr Croom/Mrs Cox      April
       Intercessions    Mr Cox
 28 th               9th   FG:Martina Coleman, Anything Goes
 1    Reading:   Mrs   28    11.00am      Mr Scott
 Welton      Chalice      Mr Wharf   10th  AL: Richard Horton, Who looks after the health of plants and
             animals? Come and find out?
 2    Reading:   Mrs
       17th  WI: AGM
       19th  PiP: Pop in Place Easter Egg Raffle and Hot Cross Buns, Upper   10.00-12.00
 Cleaning and Dusting
       27th  Bere Regis Village Forum, School Hall                  10.00-2.00
    Cleaning   Dusting

 25th March &  Bernie Lightfoot and   Sylvia Bayliss and Phil Robbins      May
 1st April   Vikki Mayo
 8th & 15th   Nancy Gibson and   Cecilia Clarke and Dave   3rd   PiP: AGM, Lower Hall   10.30
 April   Sue Steggals   Clarke

 22nd & 29th   Heather and Len Day   Eileen Salisbury   7th   GC: Ultimate Garden Plants, Andrew Humphries   7.30
       8th   AL: Howard Nichols, A Life on Rails

 Sanctuary Flower Guild
       14th  FG: Julia Harrison, Melange

 7th   Lent  -  no flowers
       15th  WI: Burlesque
 14th   Palm Sunday  -  no flowers

       21st   PiP: Village Quiz, Upper Hall                         7.30
 21st   Easter Sunday  -  white and yellow

    28th   Decorators tidy own arrangement
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