Page 48 - br-april-2019
P. 48

April 2019                                                                           April 2019
                                                                                           POP IN PLACE NEWS
                                             Paul Martin       07788 185048

                                            Electrics          01929 289323                 Thank you to all who supported the Photo

                                             Local BH20 electrician,  with over forty years’   Special thanks to Paul and Mark Bennett who have put in
                                             experience offering:-                          a lot of hard work creating these archives for everyone
                                                                                            to enjoy, also thanks to Mike Eastment for the excellent slide show and to all our
       Small load  -  £75  Large load  -  £160
                                              Consumer Unit (fuse                          helpers  on  the  day.  The  profits  of  this  event  plus  the  ticket  sales  at  our  summer
                                              board) Replacement                            show will be donated to the Village School.
                                              Emergency call-out
                                                                                                                            Good Friday Pop In Place Easter
                                              Additions and                                                                Event on Friday 19  April 10am -
                                              Alterations to Existing
                                              Installations                                                                 12 noon
                                              Portable Appliance                                                           We  will  be  staging  our  traditional  Easter
                                                                                                                            event on Good Friday so get  making those
                                                                                                                            Easter  bonnets  we  look  forward  to  seeing
                                             No VAT – Fully Insured
                                             Part P Compliant                                                               the lovely entries.
                                             Free Estimates
                                             All Work Guaranteed                                                            We would also like donations of Easter Eggs
                                                                                                                            for the raffle please drop them into the Pop
                                                                                                                            In Place .There will be hot cross buns and a
                                                                                                                            performance by the Junior Church Puppets
                                             BERE REGIS MOT and SERVICE

        Could the ALEXANDER                              CENTRE                                                             and  the  Pop  In  Performers  Group.,  plus  of
                                                                                            course the Easter bonnet parade.
                                                    TEL: 01929 472205
        TECHNIQUE help you?                               MOTs
                                              (No Re-Test Fee within 10 working days)       Your Village Needs you !! Could you  become  a volunteer ?
        Learning the technique will enable you to      SERVICING
                                                                                            Could  you become a volunteer and help to serve the teas at our  Monday or
        realise that the way you stand & move can                                           Friday morning  cafes or maybe you could become a driver or talk to the clients ?
                                                  BRAKES * EXHAUSTS
        be the cause of pain & tension                                                      these tasks are all done on a rota basis so you don’t have to do it every week .

                                                                                            A big thank you to all who already volunteer with us we appreciate that you are
                                                COMPUTERISED DIAGNOSTICS
                                                                                            giving your time to enhance the life of others and it is greatly appreciated.
         The BMJ gave                              LATEST EQUIPMENT FOR
                                                  MOST MAKES AND MODELS
          AT positive

         results in their                     OVER 30 YEARS’ EXPERIENCE                     Pop In Place Community Shed
         Back Pain trial                          IN THE MOTOR TRADE                        We would welcome cash donation towards the set up costs of this new initiative,
                                                                                            or are you able to donate wood ,tools, or skill sharing in the future  please get in
         01929 298 323                              Proprietor: Bill Greer                  touch with me.
                                                   Unit 1 Townsend Business Park
         0770 441 9200                                Bere Regis, BH20 7LA                  There are “Men’s sheds popping up all over the UK, it is a place to get people
                                                   (At rear of Shell Petrol Station)        together  to  help  to  combat  isolation  encourage  wellbeing  and  to  share  skills
        Jeannette Martin MSTAT

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