Page 44 - br-april-2019
P. 44

April 2019                                                                           April 2019

                                                                                           Pop In Place Little Acorns
                                                                                           A  new baby and  Toddler group at the Village Hall on Thursday mornings 10am
                                                                                           until 11.30
                                                                                            £1 per child and 50p for any subsequent children in the same family.
                                                                                           Come along to this friendly group you will be made most welcome. Runs all year
                                                                                           More details call Kelly 07743319856

                                                                                           Donations to the pound shop
                                                                                           We  welcome  your  kind  donations  of  small  items  for  our  pound  shop.  We  are
                                                                                           always in need of items to sale. Books bric a brac new to you clothing all must be
                                                                                           good quality items please.

                                                                                           Dates for your diary
                                                                                           Easter Bonnet Work shop at Pop In Place on Friday 5  April  all welcome bring a
                                                                                           hat to decorate
                                                                                           Pop In Place AGM  Friday 3  May 10.30
                                                                                           We have an update from Rev Alan Clarredge on the work we are supporting in
                                                                                           South  Africa  and  a  safety  talk  from  Dorset  and  Wilts  Fire  Service  safety  and
                                                                                           wellness officer
                                                                                           Village Quiz Tuesday 21  May at 7.30pm
                                                                                           email  To  book  your  team  in  for  the  village  Quiz  four
                                                                                           people  per  team  £2  per  person  to  enter  bring  your  own  drinks  and  please
                                                                                           support our raffle.
                                                                                           Please Check out Pop In Place Website Thanks to Rod Osmond
                                                                                           who has updated our website and it is looking great check it out

                                                                                                                                Alison Bennett  Telephone  01929 472023

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