Page 35 - br-april-2019
P. 35

April 2019                            April 2019

 presented  the  2   &  3   place  prizes  to  4  different  people.  OOPS!!!  It  has  been   Coming up in the programme, Cubs will cook for the parents when mums and
 noted and I’m currently attending a course in how to hold cards.
        dads  get  to  eat  the  culinary  delights  at  the  end  of  the  meeting.  On  another
 Finally,  a  big  thank  you  to  all  ROGS  for  contributing  to  the  four  ball  prize  draw,   evening the Cubs will celebrate the International Day of Happiness.
 which raised a very good sum for my charity. Even though early in the season, we
 have raised almost £1,000 already. Thanks again.
 See you all at the next venue, which again will be the 1  in ROGS history, Boundary
 Lakes (Ageas Bowl) Friday 29  March 1  tee time 11.30am   Wow!  The  second  half  of  the  spring  term  has  been  a  roller  coaster  for
        Beavers!  The highlight of March being the fantastic Sleepover at the Shire Hall
 Captain Spalds   Museum in Dorchester - we are the first group to sleep over there so it is exciting
        for all of us.  The plan is a torch lit tour and activities followed by the Night in the
        Museum movie!
  BERE REGIS FLORAL GROUP   As  well  as  this  we  have  been  cooking  and  racing  pancakes,  doing  more
        amazing experiments with the Young Leaders, researching Space, learning about
        disabilities  and  dementia,  gardening  and  hiking!    A  completely  mixed

        programme  of  indoor/outdoor,  messy  stuff/smart  stuff  and  learning  by
        experiencing lots of different activities and having fun.
 The  next  meeting  of  Bere  Regis  Floral  Group  will  be  on   We  have  had  3  new  Beavers  start  at  half  term,  due  to  be  invested  in  early
 Tuesday, 9  April at 2pm in Winterborne Kingston village hall.    April.   We will be losing 5 of our senior Beavers to Cubs at Easter  - all with their
 The  demonstrator  will  be  Martina  Coleman  and  her  title  is   Bronze  awards  and  a  whole  armful  of  Activity  badges,  and  all  of  whom  have
 Anything Goes.   taken on leadership roles and supported new Beavers and been a huge asset to
        the colony.  Well done - and good luck in the next step of your scouting journey!
 Visitors and new members are always welcome to come along, and your first visit
 is free of charge.    If you are interested in joining in the fun and are aged between 5 years 9 months
        to 8 years old, please get in touch with us. We have a shorter waiting list now and
        you may be lucky!

        Turtle - Liz Teather 01929 471216


        Every  four  years  the  Explorer  Unit  undertakes  an
        ambitious expedition. Following Nepal 2013, Kenya
        2017, we will be travelling to Borneo in 2021. Twenty
        -one  Explorers  and  four  adult  leaders  will  go
        around the world to work on conservation projects
        and  experience  jungle  living.  Expect  many
        excellent  fundraising  activities  as  we  plan  for  this
        exciting venture.

        Many thanks to all who supported the Borneo Breakfast in March – please come
        for another “Full English” (or just a slice of toast and a cup of tea) at the Scout Hut

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