Page 34 - br-april-2019
P. 34

April 2019                                                                           April 2019

        judge  and  then  the  usual  lemon,  sugar  and  syrup  was  handed  out  and  the
        pancakes disappeared.
        Another map reading challenge ahead of the District Night Hike with a quiz and
        chocolates for prizes, more food as they made a hill from bread to show they
        understood contours.  We don’t wait for the summer to camp, we go once a
        month from now until October. We have lots of fun including helping the church
        with the annual orange hurtle by collecting the oranges out of the stream that
        start at Shitterton Bridge and finish by the Scout Hut.

        Following the scrapheap challenge evening last month, two of our Cubs joined
        forces  with  another  two  from  Wool  &  Bovington  to  compete  in  the  District
        Scrapheap Competition…...and they won!  So now they go forward to represent
        the District in the County competition.
        Cubs love cooking (and eating the results), so one evening, among other things,
        they made under-the-armpit-fudge! It might sound dreadful, but it's great; put
        the ingredients in a sealable food bag, squish it about to mix, under the arm pit
        for a few minutes, scoop out and eat – delicious!

        More  recently  the  Cubs  spent  a  weekend  at  the  PGL  Activity  Centre  at
        Osmington where they enjoyed tunnelling, zip-wire, giant swing, buggy-building
        (and  riding)  plus  loads  of  other  fun
        activities  to  build  confidence  and

                                        teamwork.  A  fantastic  time  had  by  all.    All
                                        very  tired  and  rumour  has  it  that  several
                                        were  in  bed  by  5  o'clock  after  they  got
                                        home on the Sunday!

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