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January 2024                                                                        January 2024
                                                                                           OVER THE HILL

        Firstly, a Happy New Year to all of you. I hope you
        all  had  a  wonderful  Christmas  with  your  friends                             It  is  almost  impossible  to  write
        and family, however you celebrated. I always find                                  the above date and know that
        the  start  of  the  new  year  a  great  moment  for                              this article will be in the coming
        reflection.  2023 has  been  a  year  which  has  been                             year  as  it  is  currently  the  first
        more politically stable in the UK than some recent                                 week  of  December  2023  and
        years, but internationally events have not been so
        settled.                                                                           we  haven’t  had  any  of  the
                                                                                           colder  weather  that  we  would
        Headlines have been dominated by events in the                                     have  had  in  past  years.  As
        Middle  East,  and  as  I  write  the  humanitarian                                children  we  would  have  been
        pause  has  ended,  with  a  resumption  of  hostilities.  We  will  continue  to   almost  praying  for  snow  at
        provide  humanitarian  support  to  the  region,  and  continue  call  for  the    Christmas, mind you that was some seventy plus years ago. We would have been
        release of all  hostages and for a  diplomatic  solution to be found.  We  also    very disappointed to have got to the end of December without snow. I remember
        continue  to  support  Ukraine,  and  I  was  pleased  that  the  new  Foreign     as a five year old with my two older brothers, who where aged seven and eight at
        Secretary’s  first  mission  visit  was  to  see  President  Zelensky  to  underline  our   that time, taking me to school every day.  We had to travel about a mile and a
        support for their struggle against Russian aggression.                             half  across  fields  to get  to  school. If it snowed we  had to go along  the country
                                                                                           lane  as  snow  would  be  too deep along  the footpaths  on the fields.  This  added
                                                               Here  in  Dorset            another half a mile to our journey but our mother who had a baby daughter to
                                                               over the last year          look after and father would have been at work, so we had no option but to travel
                                                               I  have  received           alone. We really enjoyed those days and our mother had every confidence that
                                                               over  6,000  emails         we would arrive safely at school and then return home that afternoon.
                                                               and  letters  from
                                                               constituents.  My           There were no school buses or parents with cars to give us a lift. So we had to walk
                                                               team  and  I  have          and that took us considerably longer than on a normal day because we had to
                                                               responded   with            throw snowballs and make snowmen en route.
                                                               over  5,000  emails         Today  of  course  parents  would  not  be  expected  to  put  their  children  to  such
                                                               and  letters,  and  I       demanding escapades but we loved it and  my  mother was very relieved when
                                                               have  sent  over            we  did  arrive  home.  There  was  very  little  traffic  on  those  country  lanes  and  we
                                                               10,000  surveys  –          would rarely see even a car on our whole journey.
        asking you for your views on a range of issues, for me to feed back to Ministers.
        But  being  an  MP  is  not  about  numbers  –  it is  about  people.  Every  week,  local   I remember those days well and if Christmas came and we hadn’t had snow, we
        residents get in touch needing help with a wide range of problems. Perhaps their   boys  would  be  very  disappointed.  Nearly  all  the  Christmas  cards  those  days
        visa application for a family member has got held up, or their application for a   seemed to have snow scenes on them. Or am I imagining things? Whatever, we
        new  broadband  connection  has  been  refused.  Or  their  Ofsted  registration  for   were living in a different world, where everybody not only looked after their own
        their  new  nursery  business  has  got  stuck  along  the  way,  and  needs       but everyone else’s as well. So we were safe and that was  all that mattered. In
        investigating.    Maybe  they  have  tried  to  get  answers  from  a  business,  or   those  days  everybody  knew  all  their  neighbours  and  all  who  passed  by  on  a
        government department, or they need answers to a question that no-one seems        regular basis.
        to be able to solve. We have helped with all these issues and more last year  - I
        always say I do not have a magic wand – would that I did! But my team and I        Things  are  so  different  today.  In  mid  November  we  had  a  twenty  one  year  old
        will do our utmost to help if we can.                                              grandson who had just returned from Canada, where he had gone to help with
                                                                                           the  harvest.  How  different  things  were  over  there!.  Combine  harvesters  in  some
        The Prime Minister has asked me to take on a new role in Government. I am now      cases  had  cutting  heads  twice  the  size  of  those  here  and  tractors  with  horse
        the Illegal Migration Minister, and will be attending Cabinet. Illegal Migration is   power again double that of those used over in this country.

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