Page 13 - jan2024
P. 13

January 2024                         January 2024

 Mind  you  the fields  out  there  are  hundreds  of  acres  if  not  a  thousand  or  more
 than those in this country. However he was glad to return home in mid November   To all contributors to the Dates for your Diary
 because the snow was already at a great depth across the great flat expanses of
 the agricultural land on which he had worked.   As soon as you have planned your programmes for 2024, it would be really
 He  has  come  back  to  the  UK  where  he  has  to  get  used  to  tractors  of  half  the   helpful if you could let me have the information as soon as possible.  This helps
 horsepower he had been used to in Canada. Even so the tractors here are far   others know when key dates are booked.  It also helps me to set out this section in
 greater than when I first worked on a farm some fifty plus years ago. I remember a   one fell swoop, rather than in bits and drabs over several months  -  it can be
 new  Fordson  Major  tractor  arriving  on  the  farm,  which  had  cost  our  employer   quite time consuming. Even if a session has not yet been finalised, it’s  better to
 some  nine  hundred  and  sixty  pounds.  When  Old  Bob  heard  this,  he  thereafter   have the date, time and venue, and the content can be added later.
 referred to it as “Thay tousand pound harmchairs”. He had worked on the estate
 farm  since  leaving  school  some  fifty  three  years  previously.  He  had  grown  up
 knowing cart horses, had worked with them for over forty eight years and could
 not believe that tractor drivers did not have to walk behind their machines.
 How life has changed, especially in the past fifty years and believe me farming
 has changed dramatically in this time. Science has taken it over, with chemistry
 bringing  it  fertiliser,  herbicides,  insecticides  to  the  arable  side  and  all  sorts  of
 medications, injections, disinfectants and cleaners on the animal side.   Choral Services and Musical Events at St Peter’s Church,
       Dorchester during January
 Perhaps we have moved on too much with modern science,
 leaving huge chasms in our farming fraternity. On the arable   On  Sunday  14   January  at  10.30am,  our  monthly  service  of  Choral  Eucharist
 side  I  can  think  of  two  chemicals  that  in  my  time  in   features Victoria’s ‘Missa O magnum mysterium’, Cornelius’s ‘The three Kings’ and
 agriculture,  became  when  first  manufactured  an  end  to   Berlioz’s  ‘The  Shepherd’s  Farewell’.  All  are  welcome  to  this  free  service  and  for
 many  problems  but  have  today  become  grossly  overused   refreshments afterwards.
 and have become monstrosities to the world in general. They
 are paraquat or Gramoxone and glyphosphate or to give it   On Saturday 20  January between 12.30pm and 1.00pm, our lunchtime concert
 its  commercial  name  Roundup.  Both  these  herbicides  are   will  be  given  by  clarinetist  Natalie  Burton,  accompanied  by  pianist,  Rob  Taylor.
 total  weed  killers  with  Gramoxone  being  able  to  kill   Their programme includes works by Stanford, Saint-Saëns, Paul Reade and Weber.
 practically  any  living  green  herbaceous  plants  in  its  above   Do join us for this free event and enjoy a peaceful thirty minutes in the midst of a
 ground state while Roundup goes one step further and can   busy Saturday!
 kill the above ground and the root systems below ground as   Finally,  our  monthly  service  of  Choral
 well. When each of these products were introduced I would   Evensong  takes  place  on  Saturday  27
 have  had  no  reason  not  to  have  used  them  commercially  but  today  I  would   January  at  4.30pm.  The  music  includes
 have to think very seriously about their use because of the side effects created.   Poulenc’s   ‘Videntes   stellam’,   Stanford
 Roundup  for  example  is  translocated  from  the  leaves  it  contacts  ,through  the   ‘Evening  Canticles  in  C’,  Chirstopher  Moore
 plant  into  its  root  system  and  into  the  micro  organisms  and  fungi  in  the  soil   ‘Preces  &  Responses’  and  the  anthem  ‘Lo!
 structure  and  could  remain  so  for  some  time  causing  it  to  be  banned  in  some   Star-led chiefs’ by William Crotch.  All are very
 countries. When first out, I had no hesitation in using it but today, I don’t know. .    welcome to this free event and we hope you
 Times  are  changing  and  perhaps  in  the  farming  world,  too  quickly.  Perhaps   will join us for a glass of wine afterwards.
 farming  should  be  moving  towards  an  organic  and  past  system  for  its  future.   You can keep up with events via our website:
 Organic  farming,  without  today’s  chemicals  might  be  our  future.  I  will  finish  in   w w w . d o r c h e s t e r a n g l i c a n . o r g . u k /
 hopes that organic farming will bring us a brighter future.   musicatstpeters  or  by  following  us  on  social
 On this note I will say goodbye and wish all who read this.   m e d i a :    F a c e b o o k :    h t t p s : / /  -
                                   God’s Blessing and A Happy New Year,  Ted Cox

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