Page 36 - br-September-2019
P. 36

September 2019                                                                      September 2019


        Explorer News
        August 12  – 19  was our summer cycling trip to France
        and  Belgium  to  visit  the  WW1  battlefield  sites  –  more
        news and photos of our activities will be published next month.

                                                             Scout News

                                                             The  first  week  of
                                                             t h e    s c h o o l           us  beans,  tomatoes  and  courgettes  over  the  summer  holiday,  very  welcome
                                                             holidays  12  scouts,          fresh  veg  with  zero  food-miles!    It  is  also  nice  to  have  flowers  in  the
                                                             one Explorer and 2             planters.  Many thanks again to Ian and Di for doing this with us!
                                                             Leaders  enjoyed  6
                                                             days  camping  in              Great new term ahead - we will be covering the Air Activities Stage 1 badge,
                                                             the  New  Forest  at           and visiting the Gliding School to find out a few things about flying!  Also on the
                                                             the   Ferny   Croft            menu is cooking, and Health and Fitness, Skills Challenge badge, and plans for
                                                             Activity   Centre.             musical  evenings  of  different  kinds.    The  first  half  term  will  be  outside  where
                                                             We   had    some               possible, and then as the evenings draw in we will be doing our Autumn Night
                                                             amazing  weather               Hike and learn something about survival.
                                                             intercepted with a
                                           thunder  and  lightning  storm  and  then        Beavers  is  for  boys  and  girls  aged  5yrs  9mths  to  8yrs:  if  you  are  interested  in
                                           the dreaded rain just as we packed up            joining the fun please contact Turtle - Liz Teather, on 01929 471216
                                           to come home.  Everyone tried lots of
                                           new activities from abseiling to facing          Scout Hut Hire
                                           their  fear  of  heights  in  the  gladiator
                                           challenge.   We enjoyed making pizza             The Scout Hut is available for hire, particularly during the daytime – rates from
                                           in  the  outdoor  pizza  oven,  bbq’d  on        £7.50  per  hour.      For  more  information,  please  contact  Andrea  Marshall  on
                                           our  camp  fire  and  ate  lots  of  camp        01929 472588 or 0788 422 6445,
                                           favourites including hot chocolate and

                                           marshmallow.  We walked to the local
                                           train  station,  had  to  catch  two  trains     Contact us
        and then another walk for our visit to the Lymington Sea Water Baths where we
        had great fun on the huge inflatable course and also enjoyed fish and chips         If anyone would like further information about Bere Regis Scout Group or the
        for lunch.                                                                          Kingsbere Explorer Scout Unit, all the contact details for the individual sections
                                                                                            (Beavers, Cubs, Scouts and Explorers) are available in the village directory at
                                                                                            the  back  of  this  magazine.    General  enquiries  and  offers  of  help/assistance:

        Beaver News                                                                         Neal Unitt-Jones on 01929 472273.
        We had a fabulous end of term in the colony with Watersports at Studland  -         Scout Group Publicity: Andrea Marshall on 01929 472588 and Helen Unitt-Jones
                                                                                            on 01929 472273.
        Turtle got very wet towing kayaks....
        The garden the beavers created for their Gardener Badge has given many of

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