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October 2019                                                                        October 2019
       meetings  and  all  the  other  things  of  a  busy  benefice,  in  the  way  that  we  have
       managed to do these past months.                                                    DATES FOR
       As  you  know,  we’ll  be  a  benefice  team  and  with  this  we  need  to  establish  a
       workable pattern for everyone with a good and healthy work-life balance; one of              YOUR DIARY
       the reasons for our becoming a benefice is exactly for this reason.  Revd Sandra’s
       usual working days will be Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and Sunday and we ask        2019
       everyone to respect this please. If the benefice does go on to be extended, the
       priest in the Lulworths will work on Sunday, Monday and Tuesday. This means that
       there will always be a priest on duty in the benefice, usually two, as I work six days   Key: FG-Floral Group, AL-Autumn Leaves, TA– Twinning, WI-Women’s
       (my day off is Tuesday) and Rev Jenny and Rev Judy will also provide cover as will   Institute, PiP-Pop in Place, GC-Gardening Club
       our other colleagues. Those who work part-time will be able to do so and we can
       all properly take our day(s) off with everyone knowing when we are (and are not)
       on duty and available.
       As you’ll understand, when a new team is formed things take time to settle and this   1st   GC: Harvest Supper
       will  be  the  case  with  us  for  the  next  few  months.    Thank  you  to  everyone  for
       bearing  with  us  in  the  past  few  months.  In  two  of  the  churches,  Wool  and  Bere   8th   FG: R Thompson, Up the Garden Path
       Regis the number of Sunday Services has been reduced (Wool x 3, Bere Regis x 1)
       and in all three churches some of the times of Services has changed to enable       9th   AL: Tony Bates, Stunning Wildlife Photography
       clergy and worship leaders to cover the services and travel from one church to
       another. With this in mind it has been really lovely to see people moving around    12th  PiP: Presentation Evening with Shaun Marx               7.30
       the churches when there isn’t a Service they can attend in their own church- this
       friendship  and fellowship is  to  be  very  much  encouraged.  However,  I  also  know   13th  Havest Lunch  -  Briantspuddle Village Hall       12.30
       that  it  may  come  as  a  disappointment  to  some  that  we’re  not  going  to
       immediately return to the Service pattern that existed before Revd Charles retired.   16th  WI: The Watercress Company
       There are a few reasons for this which I explain briefly here:

       After Revd Bob Naylor sadly died, Rev Charles hardly reduced his workload at all    25th  Purbeck Film Festival at Briantspuddle Village Hall     7.00-7.30
       (only by 1 x 8am Service) despite the fact that both he and Revd Bob had worked
       together to cover Services and that Revd Charles was only supposed to work for
       Sunday +2 days. Such a pattern is unsustainable.
       In order to ensure that all of the Services are able to be covered, timing is crucial. It
       is not possible, for example, for a minister to get from Affpuddle to Wool in time if
       Services are only an hour or even an hour and a quarter apart. In the main we
       would wish to model good practice, never rushing from place to place for worship,
       but having time for prayer and pastoral conversations too.
       We need to  give Rev Sandra time to settle in and for all of to work together to
       determine the best times, and forms, of the Services we can offer. This can only be
       done when we’re all in place.
       The Thrive Questionnaires from all 3 churches have produced lots of really good
       feedback  with  suggestions  for  the  introduction  of  new  Services,  stopping  some
       others, and changing times and locations as well as, in a very few cases, keeping
       things just as they are. We need time to reflect on all this- the provisional feedback
       will be given on 29  September at the 10am Benefice Service at Wool.

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