Page 45 - nov-2022
P. 45

November 2022                                                                       November 2022

       ONE FOOT IN THE WAVE 2                                                                                                               Please Don’t
       CHANNEL SWIM                                                                                                                         Overtidy Your
                                                                                                                                            Garden, Save Your

       After almost two years of planning, we finally arrived in                                                                            Energy and Help
       Dover for our great channel relay swim challenge. Our                                                                                Wildlife
       aim was to be the oldest standard 6 person relay team                                                                                Some gardeners view the
       to swim the English Channel.                                                                                                         autumn  as  a  time  to  tidy
       The  average  age  of  our  six                                                                                                      up  the  garden  when  the
       swimmers on the date of our                                                                                                          last  flowers  have  finished
       swi m,   M on day    12  t h .
                                                                                                                                            blooming.   From   now
                                                                                                                                            onwards  many  of  us  are
                                                                                                                                            to  be  seen  busy  cutting
                                                                                           and  chipping  things,  even  burning  material.  Save  yourself  the  bother  and  help
                                                                                           wildlife at the same time. Leaf litter would be much better turned into leaf mould
                                                                                           or  used  as  mulch  on  flower  beds.  By  removing  spent  flowers,  seed  heads  and
                                                                                           dead  plant  stalks  you  may  well  be  denying  birds  a  good  food  source  and
                                                                                           removing opportunities for butterflies, moths, ladybirds, many other insects or their
                                                                                           eggs to overwinter in our gardens.
                                                                                           Take the example of butterflies, some spend the winter as eggs stuck to the bark
                                                                                           of  trees,  shrubs  and  other  plant  stalks  and  only  hatch  out  the  following  spring.
                                                           September   was   75            Others might overwinter as caterpillars that stop feeding as the temperatures get
                                                           years  and  187  days.          lower,  only  resuming  their  feeding  when  winter  is  over.  Some  spend  the  winter
                                                           Our  oldest  swimmer            wrapped in the safety of a chrysalis, waiting until spring or summer to emerge as a
                                                           Robert   Lloyd-Evans            beautiful  butterfly.  Some  butterflies  even  overwinter  in  their  adult  form  tucked
                                                           from  Poole  will  be  80       away  in  the  shelter  of  leaf  litter,  woodpiles,  hedges  etc.  We  all  love  to  see
                                                           n e x t    m o n t h    i n     butterflies  in  our  gardens  and  countryside,  so  give  them  (and  other  insects)  a
                                                           October,  Bob  Holman           helping hand by doing less!
                                 from Affpuddle is 77, Linda Ashmore from Weymouth
                                 75,  Bob  Roberts  from  Weymouth  74,  Kevin  Murphy
                                 from Dover 73 and Parviz Habibi from Surbiton 70.         Souls Moor Ponies
       These were all very experienced open water swimmers but youth was not on our        We  are  fortunate  that  Souls  Moor  is  a  ‘Site  of  Nature  Conservation  Interest’,  a
       side. Parviz and I had swum the channel solo just once, Linda had done it twice     designation  given  to  the  area  because  of  the  diversity  of  wet  meadow  plants
       and  holds  the  current  record  for  the  oldest  lady  to  swim  the  channel.  Kevin   that  occur  there,  some  of  which  have  been  lost  from  many  areas  because  of
       Murphy, a living legend, has swum the channel a staggering 34 times, the most by    intensive agriculture.  This is why we have the 2 charming ponies there and they
       a male swimmer and is the current King of the Channel. Bob R and Robert were        have been doing great work over the Summer, grazing the land and keeping the
       previous channel relay swimmers.                                                    grass  sward  low.  It  will  soon  be  time  for  the  ponies  to  leave  for  their  winter
                                                                                           quarters, so do go and say ‘bye’ to them! Over the past six years during which the
       We  were  at  Dover  Marina  at  11pm  on  Sunday  evening  and  we  made  our      ponies  have  been  present,  there  has  a  marked  and  welcome  reduction  in  the
       introductions as some of us in the team were meeting for the first time. Simon Ellis   vigour of the taller plants such as marsh thistle, meadowsweet and hogweed. This
       and  his  crew  Maz  Critchley  were  sailing  our  boat  High  Hopes  and  a  lot  was  to   helps to create a better balance of vegetation and allow the smaller and rarer
       depend upon their skill and expertise as our swim progressed. Lisa Jupp was the     plants and flowers to flourish.
       official  observer  on  the  boat  for  the  Channel  Swimming  &  Piloting  Federation

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