Page 87 - br-nov-2020
P. 87

November 2020                       November 2020
 etc.  When we look at all that has happened and is still happening around us this
 year, it’s good to see that our instinct in the main has been to help each other.    CHURCH AND VILLAGE
 The mantra’s that the government have come up with are things that make sense
 to most of us – Stay home, Save lives, Save the NHS to Hands, Face, Space.  All we   ACTIVITIES, SOCIETIES, CLUBS, ASSOCIATIONS and CONTACTS
 can do is try to keep each other safe, both physically and mentally.
 As a Christian my instinct tells me to pray, it’s not an easy thing, as St Paul says in
 his letter to the Romans, ‘The Spirit helps us in our weakness; for we do not know   Association  Contact  Tel   Address   E-mail   Meetings/Info
 how  to  pray  as  we  ought,  but  that  very  Spirit  intercedes  with  sighs  to  deep  for
 words.   And God, who searches the heart, knows what is the mind of the Spirit,
 because the Spirit pleads for God’s people according to God’s will.’ (Romans 8:26  Mobile Library   Dorset  County   01305      dorchestermob  Alternate fortnights   Car
                      Council    224440             ilelibrary@dorse  park
 -27)                                        Mondays 9.20- 9.50
 It  doesn’t  look  as  if  I’m  doing  much,  and  it  doesn’t  seem  as  if  my  prayers  are   Fridays 10.50  -  12.15
 answered, but it is the natural place to be.  I only know that as I groan and search   Neighbour Car   Brenda House   01929       stockleyfarmpa  Community run transport
       Scheme                    471255             rtners@gmail.c  option
 for  the  words,  God  is  groaning  alongside  me,  alongside  you  and  alongside  the   om
 whole world in its pain.  The God of creation is the same God whose Son Jesus
       Pop in Place   Alison Bennett   472023   3 Rye Hill Close   popinplace@g  Weekly.  Drax Hall
 Christ died in agony on the cross, who was not defeated in death and therefore   BH20 7LU   Monday and Friday
 gives us hope; hope to pray for our leaders in the decisions they make, hope that   mornings
 this beautiful, wounded planet will eventually recover and hope in the life that is   10.00  -  12.00
 to come.   Bere Regis Pre-School      471334   Southbrook   preschool@ber  Providing care and education
       ‘Pebbles’                       Bere Regis  for children from 2 to 8 years,
                                                 including breakfast club from
                                       BH20 7DB                7.45 a.m. and after-school club
                                                               until 5 p.m.
 Parish and Benefice news
       Rotary Club of   David King   01929   Hyde Woods, Hyde   david.king@gb
 We’re entering the time of remembering in the church season.  This is a chance to   Wareham   471087   Wareham, BH20 7NT
 remember our loved ones who are no longer with us, In past years we have had
 services to mark All Souls’ Day (2  November).  This year there will not be a service
       Salt and Pepper Lunch   Brenda House   471255      stockleyfarmpa  Monthly, Scout Hut, 3rd
 at  this  time,  but  different  ways  to  remember,  open  to  everyone  who  has  loved   Club   rtners@gmail.c  Thursday. 12.30p.m.
 ones that they see no more.  During November, in Affpuddle churchyard, in the   om
 Peace  Shrine,  there  is  the  chance  to  build  a  ‘Cairn  to  Remember’  –  bring  a   Twinning Association   Jackie Ahern   07876      Jackie.ahern@hot  Meetings and events
 pebble or pebbles which may or may not have your loved ones names on and   577012   arranged as and when.
 place them in the shrine to build a cairn.  And in Bere Regis churchyard, near the
 South  door,  there  will  be  the  frame  of  a cross  to fill with  pebbles,  again  with  or   W.I. (Bere Regis)   Mrs Dian Pitts   471322      pitts.dian   Monthly, Bere Regis Sports
 without  names  on.    Hopefully,  this  way,  we  can  socially  distance  and  safely   3rd Wednesday @ 7.30 pm
 remember  our  loved  ones  as  we  walk  through  our  churchyards,  stopping  for  a
 moment or two to remember in peace, love and thanks.
 Sunday 8  November is, of course, Remembrance Sunday. You will see elsewhere
 in this magazine the outline for the short act of remembrance on that day at the
 memorial.    It  seems  more  important  than  ever  that,  as  our  world  becomes
 increasingly more volatile, we concentrate on this theme of remembering, both
 corporate and individual, as we confront issues of war and peace, loss and self-
 sacrifice, memory and reconciliation, forgiving and forgetting.
 I also wanted to write a bit about West Purbeck Benefice of which we are part.
 The last 18 months or so was meant to be a time of adjustment and settling into

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