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November 2020                                                                       November 2020

        LOCKDOWN STORIES                                                                   there  is  no  real  alternative  to  gas  central  heating  at  the  moment.  It  may  take
                                                                                           some time for the grant to come through and I hope to give more information on
                                                                                           this early next year

       Over the Hill      November 2020
                                                                                           Missed Bins
       It is very difficult to believe that I am now in my eightieth year and that the world
       has  changed  so  much  since  my  childhood.  I  am  thinking  environmentally  in   There has been a series of vehicle
       particular. For example, changes in weather, plant and animal life, crop yields,    breakdowns  and  blocked  streets
       diets and of course medicine and health matters.                                    which  have  prevented  the  lorries
                                                                                           from  getting  through.  Residents
       One  of  the  dramatic  plant                                                       can report a missed bin
       changes that I can relate to is that
       of the common, spring violet (viola                                       
       odorata),  which  has  appeared  in                                                 bins-recycling-and-litter/report-a-
       the  cracks  in  the  concrete  path                                                b i n - p r o b l e m / m i s s e d - b i n -
       and  steps  near  our  front  door,                                                 collection.aspx
       where they have been emerging in
       qui te   vi gor ou s   clumps.   I                                                  They can also access this from the
       deliberately  left  them  because  I                                                Dorset  Council  homepage  by
       thought  they  were  something                                                      clicking on Bins, Recycling &  Litter
       special  and  indeed  they  were.                                                   > Report a Bin Problem > Report a Missed Collection. Once you have opened the
       Now  flowers  are  emerging  and                                                    form to report the missed collection, and entered your address, the form will alert
       they are those of the above violet                                                  you  to  any  service  disruptions  in  their  area.  This  will  also  show  when  you  can
       species and this is the middle of October practically.                              expect a recollection. If it's not a widespread problem (just a single bin missed in
                                                                                           error)  then  you  will  need  to  complete  the  form  and  at  the  end  it  will  give  an
       Since writing the above, I have looked up this species in my Clapham Tutin and      indication  as  to  when  the  team  aim  to  get  the  bin  emptied  (usually  within  5
       Warburg’s Flora of the British Isles, where it does say that this species does indeed   working days).
       flower in the autumn. I certainly didn’t know that and I have been aware of this

       flower for some seventy five years. Of course in my childhood it was not illegal to
       pick  wild  flowers  and  we  took  great  pleasure  in  taking  bunches  of  different   Dorset County Hospital Car Park
       flowers home to my mother and grandmother.
                                                                                           Just to show that we do override our Officers’ recommendations sometimes!
       Today many of the sites, where these wild flowers grew have been taken over for
       ‘intensive agriculture’, horticulture, forestry as well as for building more housing,   Multi-storey  car  park  plans  at  Dorset  Council  Hospital  have  been  approved
       factories  and  leisure  facilities.  With  a  hugely  increased  population  both  in  the   against the recommendations of planning officers - to the delight of clinicians and
       British  Isles  and  the  world  in  general,  there  is  a  great  need  for  more  land  to   MPs.
       produce foodstuff and drinks. This has resulted not only in natural habitats being   Councillors unanimously voted to approve plans to build the car park as part of a
       reduced or in some places completely altered, making it impossible for specific     £62.5 million government investment to expand key services at the hospital under
       plants and animals, which have always lived there to be annihilated.                the  National  Health  Infrastructure  plan.  The  multi-storey  car  park  forms  part  of
                                                                                           wider plans to expand the emergency department and Intensive Care Unit (ICU)
       Mankind  has  not  only  completely  wrecked  certain  habitats  but  it  has  caused
       another huge environmental factor, namely climate change. This year, 2020 has       as  well  as  establishing  an  Integrated  Care  Hub.  Planning  bosses  had  advised
                                                                                           members of Dorset Council’s Area Planning Committee to refuse the car park due
       seen  many  climate  records  beaten,  from  very  dry  hot  weather  causing  huge
       forest  fires  throughout  the  world  and  in  our  case  woodland  fires  locally  in   to its 'size, positioning and massing'.
       Wareham  forest,  which  have  caused  the  death  of  many  plants  and  animals,   But following a lengthy debate about whether the social and economic benefits
       some of which were already very sparse.  We, the people of this earth must be       of the expansion 'clearly and significantly outweighed the visual and landscape
       aware of what our actions can create or destroy.

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