Page 33 - br-november-2019
P. 33

November 2019                       November 2019
 ROGS   Pop In Place Community Café

       There is a warm welcome for all at the Pop In Place Community Café we operate
 The Whitbread Pairs Cup 2019
       the café’s on Monday and Friday mornings 10am until 12 noon. On the Friday we
 20  ROGS  dodged  the  showers  and  weaved  their  way   have  Bere  Regis  Watercress  at  50p  a  bunch  when  in  season.  There  is  a  pound
 around the barren fairways of Meyrick Park to compete in   shop set up in the foyer.  If you live within the Parish and would you like transport
 the  Whitbread  Pairs,  some  good  scores  emerged  with   to the Pop In Place Telephone Alison 472023 who will arrange it for you .
 Shaun Eastwood and Russell French coming out on top with 44 points. Full results as
       Pop In Place Volunteering Awards 2019
 Shaun and Frenchie              44  points (42 points for Shaun)
       Thank  you  to  Councillor  Peter  Wharf  ,
 Brett and Triston                    43 points   Joanna  Bartlett,  and  Rev  Alan  Clarredge
       for presenting this year’s Awards
 Captain and Sir G                  42 points
       We    started   with   Certificate   of
 Fred and Bob                       41 points
 Clappers and Julian                 38 points
       For her help at the cafes, and for learning
 Doug and Clappers (Blind draw)          36 points   the  new  skill  of  sewing  to  help  with  the
       blankets  -  Bethany Masters
 Turps and Lakie                      35  points

 Beef and Pricey                     34 points
 Harry and Middlo                   34 points      For  her  amazing  work  with  the
                                                   latest  show  choreography  the
 Paul and Guy                        25 points
                                                   talented    -  Jazmin  Burbidge
 NP  on the 12th               Shaun  Eastwood     Hughes
 NP  on the 10th               Captain             For  his  constant  help  with
                                                   promoting   our   organisation
 NP in two on the 13th            Harry Smith      through  advertising    -  Bryan
                                                   Benjafield    Cheap  Printing
 LD  on the 6th              Graeme  Price
 There were two two's             Julian and Triston.
                                                 For the amazing commitment that
                                                 he  has  shown  to  our  voluntary
                                                 transport  for  driving  clients  to
 See you all at the next meeting, 25th October 2019, Isle of Purbeck Golf Club for   cafes  and  events    -  Mike
 the Zoom Trophy Club 11:00 1  Tee. Please be there at 10am for the draw   Benjafield
 Captain Spalds                                  Two  youngsters  who  really  stood
                                                 out  as  great  helpers  at  the
                                                 Alzheimer’s  Society  Memory  Walk
                                                 -  Mollie Mahoney   Teddy Gordon
                                                 Three youngsters who also helped
                                                 at  the  Memory  Walk,  they  are  all

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