Page 42 - br-nov-2018
P. 42

November 2018                                                                       November 2018
       POP IN PLACE NEWS                                                                   the Pop In Place Community Café after the class for refreshments.

        Thank you to all who supported our                                                 Come along and give it a try, you will be made very welcome.
        Presentation Evening with  Rapport

        Thanks to Peter  Wharf who came along and presented                                Pop In Place Community Café
        the Awards
                                                                                           There is a warm welcome for all at the Pop In Place Community Café we operate
                                                                                           the café’s on Monday and Friday mornings 10am until 12 noon. On the Friday we
        Well done to this year’s Award winners they were :-
                                                                                           have  Bere  Regis  Watercress  at  50p  a  bunch  when in season.  There  is  a  pound
        Pop In Place Young Volunteer of the Year Danielle Wetherley                        shop set up in the foyer.  If you live within the Parish and would you like transport
                                                                                           to the Pop In Place Telephone Alison 472023 who will arrange it for you .
                                             Pop  In  Place  Volunteer  of  the  Year
                                             Charlotte Bates
                                             Pop  In  Place  Award  for  Outstanding       Donations to the pound shop
                                             commitment Kim Benjafield
                                                                                           Your kind donations of small items for our pound shop. Kim has been running our
                                                                                           new pound shop from January this year and it is going really well, we are always
                                                                                           in need of items to sale. Books bric a brac new to you clothing all must be  good
                                                                                           quality items please

                                                                                           Dates for your diary
                                                                                           Pop In Place supports BBC CHILDREN IN NEED with a coffee Morning
                                                                                           On Friday 16  November 10am until 12 noon usual bring and buy stall homemade
        Thank you to everyone                                                              cakes and a a raffle , you donations and support would be appreciated
        who supported the
        Macmillan Coffee Morning                                                           Christmas Crafts On Friday 7  of December at the Pop In Place
        we raised £190                                                                     We welcome Diana along to Pop In Place café  to help us to create some crafts
                                                                                           for Christmas  all welcome to come long and join in this creative session

        Thank you to Dorothy Crowe
                                                                                           Pop In Performers present  “Breaking News its Christmas “
        For  her  kind  donation  of  knitting  wool  for  our  merry  band  of  knitters,  who  are   Thursday  13  December   6pm
        working hard  on blankets for the hospitals and orphanages of South Africa.
                                                                                           Friday       14  December   7pm

        Movement to Music at the Pop In Place on Monday Mornings                            Saturday 15  December  2pm matinee
        (Upper Hall )                                                                      The  Pop  In  Performers  are  working  towards  a  fantastic  Christmas  show  with  a
                                                                                           Nativity Play called” Breaking News “and then a Christmas Variety show in part
        We are a friendly group meeting Mondays 9.30am for 40 minutes; it is for anyone
        who wants to take a little more exercise but is not mega fit. The sessions will be led   two  ending  in  a  finale  with  some  stunning  songs  from  the  Greatest  Showman.
        by one of our team with choreography background and designed especially for        Don’t miss this!!
        this client group with suitable music and movement.                                We are raising money for the Ed Kent Trust
        We are asking for a £3 fee per person per week.. You are very welcome to visit     Donation for the raffle for this event are very much appreciated

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