Page 10 - may2024
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May 2024                                                                             May 2024


         We are still in the season of  Easter. We hope that you All
        had a lovely Easter and that chocolate was eaten
        moderately.!! May the Risen Lord be with as you  journey
        through life . Thanks be to God.

        Here what’s on in May at Bere Heath  Chapel .
         Sunday 5  May -   Service with be Led by Rev John Yarrien , Methodist Minister at
        Bere Heath Chapel . Service is at 2pm and tea/Coffee & Biscuits served after the
        service. There will be a Meeting after the Service as we think about the Future of
        Bere Heath Chapel and what that may look like.
        Saturday 11  May  – Craft and Kids – 2.30-3.45pm.  Different things for children to
        do which Parents /Carers  can join in  too.  Tea/Coffee & Juice and of course
        some food. If you have not been with your           Children/grandchildren why not
        give it a try.

        Sunday 2  June  - Monthly service at 2pm . All welcome.
                                            Thank you to All those who support the
                                            Lent Lunch  on  19  March .£70 was
                                            raised for Christian Aid and was
                                            added to St John’s Bere Regis Lent
                                            Lunch amount and sent as one. Support
                                            very much appreciated .                                                                                 2024
                                            On behalf of Bere Heath Methodist
                                            Church  we wish Rev Sandra Williams
                                            and Graham a very Happy
                                            Retirement .  We hope that you both
        really enjoy it and that good times are had with family and Friends .
        May God bless you both as He travels with you to pastures new
        Blessings and Best Wishes
                         Peter Jenner – Lay Worker – Children and Families and Outreach.
                                                Rev John Yarrien – Bere Heath Minister

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