Page 66 - br-may-2022
P. 66

Mayl 2022                             May 2022

 94.68% have been offered their first preference of reception school   previous one having been lost in the fire.  The fire had started in ‘The Crown' which
       was situated between No88 and No89 West Street, while the fire extended to the
 98.09% have been offered their first preference of junior school   Royal Oak in one direction and to No30 in the other on both sides of the street
 97.40% have been offered their first preference of middle school   and almost down to the church.  In this area of the village, nothing pre-dates this
       fire, although some buildings were less damaged, so their replacements used the
 Dorset  Council  School  Admissions  Team  received  4,302  applications.  They  were   same foundations, and in some cases, some of the old walls.
 able to offer 4,112 families their first choice of school – a total of 95.58 per cent.
 Over  96  per  cent  of  parents  and  carers  chose  to  complete  their  applications   John Pitfield, Projects Secretary
 online.  Anyone  without  an  email  address  should  contact  Dorset  Council  School
 Admissions Team on 01305 221060.

 Pressure on services
          When you respond to advertisers, do please tell them you saw
 Ou r    h ospi tal    e me rge n c y
 departments  and  other  health   their advert in this magazine  -  it helps them monitor the
 and care services continue to be   effectiveness of their advert and helps us generate more
 under  significant  pressure,  with
 high Covid-19 cases continuing to   advertising revenue!!
 have an impact on staffing levels.
 Local health and care partners in
 the  county  are  asking  residents
 and  visitors  to  the  area  to  think
 about  the  most  appropriate
 service for them before they seek
 help. Below are seven ways you can support the NHS:

    Use NHS services wisely to get the right treatment, in the right place, at the
 right time.
    Think NHS 111. If you have an urgent need that cannot wait until you can
 access your GP visit or call 111.
    Speak to your GP where you live if you are visiting Dorset.
    Be prepared. Contact your own pharmacist or GP practice for ongoing or
 minor health issues.

    Use  digital  health  services  as  an  on-demand  alternative  to  in  person
    Covid-19 restrictions have ended but cases are still very high. Stay at home
 if you are unwell.
    Only  ever  call  999  in  a  medical  emergency  –  this  is  when  someone  is
 seriously ill or injured and their life is at risk.

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