Page 3 - br-may-2022
P. 3

Mayl 2022                                                                            May 2022
       The  Gospel  readings  used  in  the                                                  DATES FOR
       services  during  those  three  days
       retell  the  drama  of  the  final  few
       days  of  Jesus’  life,  leading  to  his                                                     YOUR DIARY
       crucifixion.  They  are  powerful  and
       challenging. Powerful, as we reflect                                                 2022
       on  Jesus’  final  days,  which  must
       have  been  almost  impossible  for
       him  to  bare.  Challenging,  as  we                                                      Floral Group                Autumn Leaves                   Communibus   Women’s Institute
       reflect  that  we  are  called  to  walk
       the way of the cross with him in our                                                      Salt and Pepper Club   Pop in Place    Twinning      Gardening Club
       Christian  lives  too.  Many  of  us
       continued this in acts of worship on                                                             August

                                              Good Friday – literally walking in the              10th   Sidmouth
                                              way  of  the  cross  and  prayerfully
                                              considering  what  this  might  that  for
                                              each of us in our lives today?
                                              But  the  good  news  is  that  we  are           SP   18th   Salt and Pepper Club
                                              called  to  walk  the  way  of  the
                                              resurrection  with  Jesus  too.  The
                                                                                                  24th   Seaton


       amazing  Gospel  passages  of                                                              7th   West Bay
       the resurrection which we read
       Sunday by Sunday in the Easter                                                             13th   Marion Catt talk                                  2.00pm
       season  remind  us  time  and
       again  of  how  the  risen  Jesus
       brings  hope  out  of  despair,  joy
       out of sorrow, life out of death.
       This is Good News - Gospel! We                                                       SP
       read  how  gradually  for  Jesus’                                                          15th   Salt and Pepper Club
       friends   and   disciples   the
       situation of defeat they thought                                                           21st   Wilton House Garden Centre
       they were in after Good Friday is turned into faith in the risen Jesus, as he appears
       to  them  and  transforms  their  lives  again.  This  is  not  some  ‘papering  over  of  the
       cracks’, the death and resurrection of Jesus is God taking seriously the pain of sin             October
       and  evil,  suffering  and  death,  and  transforming  them  through  the  death  and
       resurrection of Jesus into life and hope and a promise of eternity.
                                                                                                  5th   Street Shopping Village

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