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May 2020                              May 2020



    YOUR DIARY    Dear readers

       Your  magazine  this  month  has  quite  a  different
 2020   content from that which you have come to expect.
 Key: FG-Floral Group, AL-Autumn Leaves, TA– Twinning, WI-Women’s   I  knew  that  contributions  from  all  our  clubs  and
 Institute, PiP-Pop in Place, GC-Gardening Club   societies and event advertisements would diminish,
       so  I  put  out  a  plea  for  some  additional  articles,
       stories  and  new  material.    These  flooded  in,  thick
    November      and  fast,  and,  as  you  can  see,  have  resulted  in  a
       bumper issue.
 10th  Communibus  -  Street Shopping Village
       I hope  that  this  will  be  welcomed  by  many  of  you,  especially  those  who  don’t
       wish to participate in social media  - so miss some of the news which is regularly
 10th  FG: Pauline Hurran:  It’s Beginning to Look a Bit Like Christmas,     posted on the village Facebook groups  - or those who simply don’t have internet
 venue Tarrant Keyneston village hall
       access so are not able to visit the two village websites.
 11th  AL: Wash Day Blues by ‘the Button Lady’  -  Thelma Johns      May I take this opportunity to say a huge thank you to everyone who is involved
       in bringing this publication to your doors and especially our team of delivery folk.
 17th  Communibus  -  Street Shopping Village      Some have had to temporarily relinquish this task   - but their rounds have been
       taken on by other volunteers.
 19th   Salt and Pepper
       If you are concerned about the safety of printed material coming through your
       letter box, please rest assured that all precautions are being taken by the team,
 20th  PiP  -  Children in Need, Lower Hall   10.00-12.00   but,  if  you  would  prefer  not  to  receive  your  monthly  magazine  until  the
       ‘lockdown’ period is over, then do let me know.  My contact details are inside the
 24th  Communibus  -  Winchester Christmas Market      back cover.
       Stay safe, stay well, stay smiling
                                                               Alison Debenham
 8th   Communibus  -  Salisbury Christmas Market

 9th   AL: Christmas AFternoon

 10th  PiP  -  Christmas Show   6.00pm

 11th  PiP  -  Christmas Show   7.00pm

 12th  PiP  -  Christmas Show   2.00pm

 18th  PiP  -  Carols and Mince Pies   10.00-12.00

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