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March 2022                            March 2022
 DATES FOR    calendar.    This  is  a time  for stopping and  thinking about  what  we’re  doing  and
       Wednesday 2nd March is Ash Wednesday, the beginning of Lent in the Church’s
       where  we’re  going  and  sometimes,  we  must  do  a  complete  about  turn.    I  was
    YOUR DIARY    recording an assembly for school today and explaining that realizing we are going
       in  the  wrong  direction  and  turning  around  is  what  Christian’s  call  repentance
       That is what the 40 days of Lent are about – reflecting on our lives, saying sorry and
 2022   prayerfully seeking God’s help to sort out those things that need changing.   We
       don’t need to be Christians to repent, though.  We can all make mistakes, and we
    Floral Group                Autumn Leaves                   Communibus   Women’s Institute     can all do something about them.
       Like the signs of spring in my borders being given room to grow after the brambles
 Salt and Pepper Club   Pop in Place    Twinning   Gardening Club
       were cleared, being able to do an about turn and being forgiven helps us to grow
       and be much better people.
       June      With blessings Sandra

    8th   Swanage      PARISH AND BENEFICE NEWS

    14th   Nicky Heale  -  Summer Inspirations
        Wednesday 2  March -
    16th   Salt and Pepper Club      Ash Wednesday
        There  will  be  a  service  of  Holy
    22nd  Ottery Nursery, Exeter      Communion  and  Ashing  at
        10:15am at  The D’Urberville Hall
        in  Wool,  everyone  is  very
       July      welcome to attend.

    6th   Lyme Regis      Thursday 7  April – 7pm
        Holy Rood, Wool
    12th   Michael Bowyer ‘Designing for Summer’  -  Open   2.00pm
 Demonstration at Tarrant Keynston Village Hall   The  licensing  and  installing  of  Rev  Canon  Richard  Bartlett  as  Vicar  in  the  West
        Purbeck Benefice will take place on this date.  It would be useful if you could let
             the office know if you wish to attend:

     SP   21st   Salt and Pepper Club      Queen’s Platinum Jubilee

        Over  the four days  of the celebrations for  the  Queen’s  Platinum Jubilee –  2-5
    20th   New Forest      June  there  will  be a  Festival  of Flowers, Quilts,  Arts  and Crafts in  the  Church  at
        Bere Regis.  If you would like to help in any way – displaying items, stewarding,
        helping with refreshments, please contact Glo Curtis
        and  she  will  put  in  touch  with  the  right  people.    There  will  also  be  a  Songs  of
        Praise Service at 10:30am in the church on Sunday 5  June.

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