Page 74 - BR-March-2018
P. 74

March 2018                                                                          March 2018
                                                                                            BERE REGIS

                                                                                            CHURCH ROTAS
        DATES FOR                                                                                                            4th   10.00am   Mr Bates/Mr House
                                                                                                                                Chalice     Mrs Cox/Mr House
                YOUR DIARY                                                                                                      Intercessions  Mrs Pitfield

                                                                                                                                6.00pm      Mr Gibbs
                                                                                                    Parish Communion
                                                                                                    4th    Major Booth/Mr
                                                                                                                           11th 11.00am     Junior Church
                                                                                                    18th   Major Booth/Mrs   18th  10.00am   Mr House/Mr Croom
        13th    Floral Group, David Martin
                                                                                                           Bayliss              Chalice     Mr Smith/Mr Ward
        14th    Autumn Leaves, Charles Masheder
                                                                                                                                Intercessions  Mrs Welton
        21st    WI, Cancer Research
                                                                                                                                6.00pm      Mr Gibbs
        30th    Pop in Place, Easter Bonnets Parade, Easter Egg Raffle

                And Hot Cross Buns, Upper Hall             10.00am-12.00noon
                                                                                                                           25th   11.00am   Mr Scott

                                                                                                                                Chalice     Mr Croom/Mrs Naylor
        April                                                                                                                   Intercessions  Revd Masheder
        10th    Floral Group, Sheila Bendall
        11th    Autumn Leaves, Tony Bates
        18th    WI, AGM
                                                                                                   There will not be any Flowers or Cleaning Rotas

                                                                                               published whilst work on the Church roof is underway.
        4th     Pop in Place AGM, Lower Hall                          10.30am
        8th     Floral Group, Katie Baxter                                                 WORK ON THE CHURCH UPDATE …...
        9th     Autumn Leaves, Andrew Cannon
        16th    Pop in Place, Village Quiz, Upper Hall                7.30pm                ….. and your help please!
        16th    WI, to be arranged
                                                                                            The work in the past few weeks has been going on

                                                                                            very well and we  are now hoping that we shall be
        June                                                                                able  to  use  the  church  at  Easter.  We  are  very
                                                                                            grateful to the contractors (AE Griffin and Sons) and
        12th    Floral Group Party, Trisha Lewis
                                                                                            others for all their help.
        13th    Autumn Leaves, Mary Graham
        20th    WI, Members’ Evening                                                        However when we know the exact time, we shall be
        21st    Pop in Performers Summer Show, Muscial                6.00pm                using all means of letting you know so that we can
                                                                                            be  able  to  give  the  church  a  really  good  clean
        22nd    Pop in Performers Summer Show, Muscial                7.00pm
                                                                                            before  restoring  it  as  a  place  of  worship  and  to  its
        23rd    Pop in Performers Summer Show, Muscial                4.00pm
                                                                                            usual glory. Your help will be required, please!

                                                                                            We  continue  to  be  very  grateful  to  the  School  for

                                                                                            allowing  us  to  use  their  wonderful hall  for  our  other
                                                                                            Sunday services.

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