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March 2018                                                                          March 2018
       regarded as a ‘saint’. As Bishop of Chichester during the Second World War, he
       was involved with helping displaced persons and refugees wanting to come to          DATES FOR
       England.  Also,  as  a  man  of  great  Christian  principle,  he  condemned  blanket
       bombing instead of targeted bombing of German cities. His voice was not always
       a comfortable one for those in power but he was widely respected. One, or now                 YOUR DIARY
       two, individuals have accused him of bad behaviour with them when they were

       children.  I  cannot  know  the  truth,  though  the  evidence  is  apparently  slim,  but
       what I do know is that his reputation has been seriously undermined and until he     2018
       was proved guilty, we didn’t need to know his name.
       This  has  happened  to  many  other  famous  people  and  even  when  they  are     July
       proved to be innocent, the slur somehow remains. Where is the fairness? Where is     10th    Floral Group, Vivienne Thompson
       the motto ‘Innocent until proved guilty’? No one is perfect of course and so only    11th    Autumn Leaves, Frank Holden
       ‘the one without sin’ can cast the first stone of condemnation. See the story of
                                                                                            18th    WI, Wareham Walkabout
       Jesus and the woman taken in adultery in John’s Gospel Chapter 8, verses 2-11.

       As  the  month of March moves to its conclusion, so we reach the climax of the       August
       story  of  Jesus.  What  sort  of  trial  did  he  have?  Was  he  treated  as  innocent  until
       proved guilty? Certainly not! The trial before the Chief Priests gives every evidence   8th   Autumn Leaves, Home Grown Entertainment
       of  a  trumped-up  charge  and  although  the  Roman  Governor,  Pontius  Pilate,    21st    WI, Birthday Celebration Service
       wanted to release him, fear of mob rule sent him to the cross as though he were a
       common  criminal.  In  this  way  Jesus  totally  associates  himself  not  only  with  all   September
       suffering people but with those specifically, who have been falsely accused.
                                                                                            11th    Floral Group, Anne Clark
       It is so easy to think of how other people behave, or should have behaved, and       12th    Autumn Leaves, 47th Birthday Tea, Vikki Mayo
       far more challenging to ask ourselves do we sometimes fall into the trap of making   15th    Bere Regis Alzheimer’s Memory Walk
       judgements of people – well in my knowledge all people do. In itself it is not too
       serious  unless  such  judging  means  that  we  fail  to  see  the  other  person  as  firstly   19th   WI, Creature Teachers
       innocent until proved guilty. How easy it is be critical without knowing the whole   28th    Macmillan Coffee Morning, Lower Hall       10.00am-12.00noon

       As this season of Lent continues, it is not too late to make a resolution to avoid   October
       making  judgements,  when  we  really  do  not  understand  the  life  and           9th     Floral Group, Annette Parker workshop
       circumstances  of  someone  else.  It  is  God  who  truly  knows  and  when  he  is  our   10th   Autumn Leaves, Stewart Timbrell
       Judge, we have someone who longs to see the good in us and is always ready to
       forgive completely our faults and failings when we acknowledge them and say          13th    An Evening with Rapport and Presentations
       how sorry we are.                                                                    17th    WI, Care in the Community

       The great Festival of Easter awaits us as we move into April – the time when Jesus
       shows  how  his  love  proves  to  be  greater  than  the  hatred  of  those  who    November
       condemned him. We celebrate the power of God in raising him from the dead            13th    Floral Group, Michael Bowyer, (Tarrant Keynston)
       and  remember  that  whatever  goes  on  in  this  world  brought  about  by  human
       beings, his love is supreme.                                                         14th    Autumn Leaves, Hilary Foggo
                                                                                                    Fundraising Raffle for Children in Need
       Your loving Priest and friend                                                        21st    WI, Christmas Sweets and Treats

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