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June 2022                             June 2022
 of the country.  70 years is a huge achievement, the likes of which is unlikely to be     DATES FOR
 seen  again  for  a  long  time  and  this  celebration  for  Queen  Elizabeth  II  will  be
 celebrated, not just here in the UK, but around the world.
 But did you know that a jubilee is mentioned      YOUR DIARY
 back in one of the oldest books in the Bible?
 God  instructed  Moses  that  every  50   year   2022
 was  to  be  a  jubilee,  a  time  of  celebration,
 rejoicing and rest – rest for the land and rest      Floral Group                Autumn Leaves                   Communibus   Women’s Institute
 for  the  people.    The  literal  meaning  of
 ‘jubilee’ in Hebrew is ‘ram’s horn’.     Salt and Pepper Club   Pop in Place    Twinning   Gardening Club
 The ram’s horn was blown on the tenth day
 of  the  seventh  month  to  start  a  year         August
 dedicated  to  rest,  restoration  of  property
 and  to  freeing  people  from  slavery  and
 debts.    And  in  the  New  Testament,  Jesus      4th   Autumn Leaves First Thursday
 presents himself as the one who will bring the
 old  jubilee  to  completion.    Jesus  paid  the      10th   Sidmouth
 debt  of  our  sin  on  the  cross,  ’therefore  we
 are no longer slaves to sin but are forgiven and free to enter the rest only he can     SP   18th   Salt and Pepper Club
 provide’  (Hebrews  4:9-10).    From all  this we  are reminded that  God  thinks  rest is
 important, he doesn’t think we should work all the time, God rested on the 7  day.
 God wants us to take time away from our everyday lives to make time for rest and      24th   Seaton
 reflection and if it’s important to you, worship as well.
 I’m looking forward to taking part in the different festivities that will be going on
 here in the parishes of Bere Regis and Affpuddle, it might not be a rest, but it will         September
 be different, and they do say ‘a change is as good as a rest’, see you there!
 With blessings Sandra      1st   Autumn Leaves First Thursday


 News from our Annual Parish Meetings      13th   Marion Catt talk     2.00pm

 Affpuddle with Turnerspuddle – After 7 stoic years, Liz Whatley decided not to be     SP   15th   Salt and Pepper Club
 re-elected as Churchwarden this year, Liz was thanked very much and presented
 with a gift at the morning service.

 Mike Menzies was re-elected as the sole Churchwarden and will be ably assisted      21st   Wilton House Garden Centre
 by all on the elected PCC members.
 Bere Regis – Sarah Welton was re-elected as Churchwarden, she too will be the         October
 only one, but also assisted by the elected PCC members.
             5th    Street Shopping Village

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