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June  2024                                                                          June 2024

       POP IN PLACE NEWS                                                                    BISHOP’S LETTER

        Pop In Place Remembers D Day On 7                                                   This  month  marks  two  years  since  my  service  of
        June at the Village Hall                                                            inauguration in the Cathedral and so its two years since
                                                                                            I first ordained people deacon and priest – a powerful
        We will be holding a special morning on the 7  June to                              and humbling experience.
        remember  D  Day  there  will  be  some  readings  and                              June  2024  will  see  more  ordinations  and  a  special
        memories from village people , we will also be singing some of the well-known war   service to mark 30 years since the ordination of women
        songs. All welcome starts at 10am coffee and refreshments available.                to the priesthood on Saturday 15th June at 11am in the
                                                                                            Cathedral.    Everyone  is  very  welcome  to  attend  this
        Pop In Performers stage “ Magic of the Musicals”                                    service, to give thanks for the gift of women’s ministry in
                                                                                            this diocese and across the Church.  Please join me in
        Show tickets are now available at £5 each the shows are on :-                       praying for all those who are preparing for ordination,
                                                                                            as  well  as  those  who  serve,  and  have  served,  in  all
        Thursday  27  June at 6pm                                                           forms of ministry across the diocese.
        Friday       28  June at 7pm                                                                                                          At  the  service  for  the

        Saturday  29  June at 2pm                                                                                                             ordination of deacons,
                                                                                                                                              the  bishop  explains
        Rehearsals are going well with the stage packed with talented and enthusiastic                                                        that   deacons    are
        youngsters.  We  will  be  raising  money  at  our  production  entitled  “Magic  of  the                                             ‘called  to  reach  into
        Musicals” for the King Fisher Ward at DCH this was at the request of Autumn one                                                       the  forgotten  corners
        of our young performers, who is very grateful to the hospital as they saved her life.                                                 of  the  world,  that  the
                                                                                                                                              love  of  God  may  be
        We journey through the older traditional musicals in Part one with cameos from                                                        made  visible.’    Never
        Oklahoma, Mary Poppins and Oliver. In Part two we have songs from Hair Spray ,                                                        before  has  the  world
        the  greatest  Showman,  Les  Miserable,  Sister  Act  ,  Bat  Out  of  Hell  and  Abba.  A                                           been  so  connected,
        fantastic mix of well-loved musicals performed by the wonderful Pop In Performers                                                     so   visible,   with   its
        and raising funds for your local Children Ward.                                                                                       remotest parts so easy
        Raffle Prizes are being collected your kind donations would be appreciated          to reach.  Yet despite this, many people still feel forgotten and invisible.
                                                                                            Our fast-paced news culture means that stories of suffering, of tragedy or disaster
        Pop In Place AGM                                                                    quickly make way for the next headline.  The world moves on, but not for those
                                                                                            who  still  dwell,  every  day,  in  a  place  of  great  difficulty.    There  will  be  people
        The Pop In held its AGM and the following people are elected onto the team.         around  us  who  have  been  forgotten  and  who  feel invisible –  those  who  need
                                                                                            support  but  struggle  to  access  it;  the  lonely,  the  housebound  or  those  who
        Team Leader Alison Bennett                                                          cannot access technology.  You may feel that way yourself.
        Treasurer Joanna Syrett                                                             ‘Reaching  into  the  forgotten  corners’  of  our  world  and  local  communities  and
        Secretary Lyn Simmonds                                                              making visible the love of God, is a calling to all of us – lay and ordained.  This is
                                                                                            what we see in Jesus – going to the forgotten places; the forgotten people and
        The Community Team :                                                                showing  them  that  God  is  with  them;  that  God  forgets  no-one.    Let  us,  as  the
                                                                                            church of today, ‘Go and do likewise.’
        Gill and Dave Hart, Kim Benjafield, Maureen Warr, Liz Gale , Sue Alexander, Jackie
        Percy and Robert Cowley.                                                                                                                     Bishop Stephen

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