Page 50 - BR June 2024 with duck - converted
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June  2024                                                                          June 2024
       on the edge of a golf course, so golf was added to the 14 sports I already played.
       The  fun  part  was  that,  as  my  husband  was  a  senior  marketing  person,  we  were
       taken to a number of locations by helicopter. These trips included the Open Golf
       tournament, Brands Hatch, Silverstone, the Henley Regatta and Leeds Castle, at
       which time the helicopter picked us up from the golf course’s practice ground!
       From Tarmac, I went to one of the best creative jobs I had ever had, as Editor and
       Writer  at  a  London  design  studio.  After  playing  squash  with  the    studio  owner’s
       wife,  in  the  bar  afterwards,  her  husband  asked  if  I  would  start  working  at  his
       London  studio.  I  felt  that  I  had  come  home  as,  until  then,  I  hadn’t  worked  in  a
       totally  creative  environment.  I  was  the  only  writer  working  with  five  graphic
       designers  as  well  as  having  seven  freelance  writers  reporting  to  me.  It  was

       One  of  the  major  clients  was  Abbey  National  (AN,  later  re-branded  as  Abbey)
       who asked me to be Editor and write articles for their magazine sent to 16-23-year-
       olds. They had efficiently researched what their readers wanted, one of which was
       travel articles: loving travel as I do, I was a very happy bunny! I organised this from
       beginning  to  end,  starting  with  flights.  Among  my  destinations  were  Barcelona,
       Maastricht  and  Utrecht  as  well  as  Southern  Turkey.  My  photograph  of  Sagrada
       Familia in Barcelona was put on the front page, which was great. I made sure that
       a major part of travelling to these destinations was having a contact on site who,
       in turn, was able to show me the safe places that this age group could frequent.
       Another offshoot was that Maastricht was the first place to build a Center Parcs
       holiday destination so that, when the first one opened in Nottinghamshire, I was
       invited to the opening, and stayed in a lovely chalet. Back at the studio, the men
       teased me that I did the first draft of my articles sitting around the pool! Well, yes, I
       did!  Subsequently  AN  asked  me  to be Editor  of and  write  articles for  magazines
       sent  to  10-15-year-olds  and  3-9-year-olds.  For  the  latter,  I  collaborated  with  the
       main  graphic  designer  in  creating  something  I  had  always  wanted  to  do  –
       cartoons!  As,  by  then,  I  was  a  qualified  swimming  teacher  and    keen  on
       education, the first cartoon was about 3-9-year-olds learning to swim. Lots of fun!
       One  of  the  most  challenging  assignments  I  was  asked  to  do  was  with  pension
       booklets. The government had said that they wanted company pension booklets
       which  were  only,  at  that  time,  given  to  new  employees,  to  be  available  to  the
       general public. The work turned out to be more testing than translating a foreign
       language!  I  spent  a  great  deal  of  time  on  the  phone  asking  the  company’s
       accountants for clarification.

       I then decided to get a teaching and literacy qualification and went on to teach
       English  to  people  with  learning  difficulties/disabilities,  Creative  Writing,  Memoir
       Writing, Family Learning and GCSE English to apprentices. The latter, initially, was
       particularly  challenging  as  I  had  never  taught  students  who  didn’t  want  to  be
       there!  One  example  was  a  16-year-old  boy  who,  at  the  end  of  the  first  English
       class, waited until everyone had left, then came to me and said, “I just want you
       to know that I hate English!” to which I replied, “Oh, I’m sorry to hear that” and he
       said “Oh, it’s all right, it’s not your fault!” He proceeded to come to every single

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