Page 3 - br-june-2020
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June 2020                             June 2020
       new to marvel at or a new sound to hear.  The lack of traffic has certainly helped
 for the year 2020   and, as someone said to me only last week, ‘it’s as if the sky is bluer’.  We were
       only  a  couple  of  weeks  into  lockdown  when  I  first  noticed  the  bluebells
 (Cheques to be made payable to Bere Regis PCC)
       appearing—which seemed incredibly early, but then we have had a warm and
 Rates for charitable, community or non-profit organisations are charged at 50% of above.
       sunny spring.  I notice now that they are beginning to fade, what was once a blue
 Full year advertising is based on complete calendar years.  Adverts inserted for part   carpet  is  now  patchier,  but  other  flowers  are  arriving  to  take  their  place—the
       foxgloves and rhododendron's for example are looking splendid on Black Hill.
 years are charged at a pro-rata rate of the full year cost.  Full year advertisers are
 automatically included on both village websites.   In a passage from St Matthew’s Gospel, Jesus is telling his followers not to worry, he
       says, ‘I tell you not to worry about your life. Don’t worry about having something to
 Full page, full year   £260   Full page, one month   £38   eat, drink, or wear. Isn’t life more than food or clothing? … Look how the
       wildflowers grow… (they) are here today and (gone) tomorrow’… (from Matthew
 Half page, full year   £160   Half page, one month   £22
 Third page, full year   £120   Third page, one month   £16
       We know that the wildflowers such as the bluebells and other spring plants will be
 Quarter page, full year   £98   Quarter page, one month   £13   back again next year, it is one of the amazing things about nature, they will rest
       now ready to stun us again with their spring beauty.    But they will not be quite the
 Small-ads, full year   £70   Small-ads, one month   £11   same as they were; the roots and stems may grow in a slightly different position,
       there may be more or less petals etc.
 For all advertising enquiries, contact the Editor, details on inside back cover.
       This teaching from Jesus, telling us not to worry has such resonance for our current
       time.    Things  will  gradually  change,  lockdown  will  ease,  but  what  happened
       before—’normal’,  if  you  want  to  call  it  that—may  never  happen.  Things  will
       change,  even  if,  at  this  present  time,  we  cannot  imagine  how.      We  can  only
 DATES FOR    worry about what is going on in this present time.

       In  the  church  calendar  we’ve  just
    YOUR DIARY    celebrated  Rogation  –  which  traditionally
       asks God to bless the crops.  In the past I
       have always held this service outside, in my
 2020   last parish we always held it at the village
       allotments.  This year, of course, we had to
 Key: FG-Floral Group, AL-Autumn Leaves, TA– Twinning, WI-Women’s   stay at home, but I was able to use photos
 Institute, PiP-Pop in Place, GC-Gardening Club   that  I  have  taken  during  the  lockdown  of
       the  local  landscape  where  crops  are
 June dates have been removed due to   that is how it should be, it is only us who are
    July    current   growing,  and  farm  animals  are  flourishing.
 lockdown situation.  All future diary dates are
       The view seems to change constantly, but
 7th   Communibus  -  Portland Bill      standing still for a moment in time.
 7th   FG: Irene Hickson: Chelsea Gold  potentially subject to change     And so this year, whether it’s from our homes, or individually out on our walks, we
       can still ask for God’s good blessing on our land, our farms and communities, we
 8th   AL: A speaker from Natural England      can pray for those suffering because of this pandemic, we can pray for a better
       future for the world as a whole, for justice and peace and we do it remembering
       that God is with us wherever we are.
 16th  Salt and Pepper Club
       Take care and stay safe
 22nd  Communibus  -  New Forest Lavender      Blessings Rev Sandra

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