Page 50 - br-june-2018
P. 50

June 2018                                                                           June 2018
                                                                                           DRAX HALL
       Souls Moor Ponies and their Conservation Work
                                                                                           Thank you to all who supported our Village
       By the time you read this the ponies will be back on Souls Moor – do say “hello” to
       them when you pass, but please do not feed them, approach them and keep             Hall AGM last month
       dogs  on  a  lead.    They  are  there  to  continue  munching  through  the  long  rank
       grasses  that  have  built  up  while  the  area  remained  ungrazed.  This  is  all  in  the   Thank you to the Pop In Place for funding      DRAX
       interests of good nature conservation.
                                                                                           refurbishment of the Lower Hall.                           HALL
       Indeed, the benefits are already apparent. This Spring there has been a flush of
       what  might  appear  to  be  ‘weeds’  but  are  far  more  than  that  being  both   We have had a lot of very positive comments about the
       attractive  and  having  wildlife  value.  With  time  the  long  vegetation  will  reduce   refurbishment thank you to all the people who support the
       further  and  we  hope  to  see  a  more  interesting  and  varied  array  of  plants  and   hall.
       wildflowers.  So  far,  the  plentiful  flowers  include  bright  yellow  marsh  marigolds,
       along  with  pink  campion,  meadow  buttercup,  sorrel,  ragged  robin,  comfrey,
       sorrel and cuckoo flower.                                                           There is a Public Access Defibrillator outside the Village Hall

                                     The cuckoo flower  (see photo), also known as         It is very straight forward to use and you are talked through the process as you go.
                                     ‘milk  maids’  or  ‘lady’s  smock,  has  small  pale   There is a short film clip on You Tube by the British Heart Foundation  that shows
                                     lilac  flowers  on  an  upright  stem  of  about  one   exactly how to do it DON’T BE AFRAID anyone can do it, and remember  the worst
                                     foot. It appears at much the same time as the         thing you can do when someone’s heart stops is nothing !
                                     cuckoo arrives – hence the name. The cuckoo
                                     flower is particularly important to the orange tip
                                     butterfly (see photo) as it is the food source for    Village Hall Hiring
                                     its  caterpillars.  If  you  look  carefully,  you  may
                                     even see the bright orange pinhead eggs the           The village hall has two options for hire the large upper Hall at £8 per hour and the
                                     orange tip butterflies have laid on this plant.       Lower room at £7 per hour please telephone Lyn Simmonds on 01929 471528 to
                                                                                           discuss your requirements and view the facilities available.

       For  those  of  you  concerned  for                                                                                                              New Group
       the  ponies’  welfare,  be  assured                                                                                                          Tuesdays 7.30pm
       they are regularly checked and                                                                                                                   Call Jenn on
       they  have  a  plentiful  supply  of
       water  from  the  pond  dug  last                                                                                                            07960 6545630

                                                                                                                                                          Bere Regis

                                                                                                                                                         Sports Club
       Cuckoo                                                                                                                                               North St
                                                                                                  Puddletown First School   Mondays 7.30pm
       Have you heard a cuckoo this year? We would be interested to know if you have            Dorchester Road             Call Julie on                 Bere Regis
       and  where.  At  the  time  of  writing  the  nearest  cuckoo  heard  was  in  Wareham   Puddletown               07871 821928
       Forest. But, perhaps you know of others.

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