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June 2018                                                                           June 2018

       we  celebrated  how  Jesus  returned  to  his  Father  when  his  work  on  earth  was
       complete. The festival is also about the glory of God, which is something we often   DATES FOR
       don’t feature sufficiently, weighed down as we are by earthly matters. I must say
       that  as  it  is  almost  always  in  May,  we  often  have  the  delight  of  a  late  Spring
                                                                                                    YOUR DIARY
       During the year, many days are days of commemorating either events in the life
       of Jesus or of some holy person, some of whom are called saints. I will mention just   2018
       a few during June.  On 9  it is Saint Columba who was a missionary to Scotland
       and  who  founded  the  community  on  the  beautiful  island  of  Iona.  On  11   is  St   June
       Barnabas, who went on a missionary journey with St Paul. On 22  it is St Alban, the
       first man to die as a martyr in England –at what is now called St Albans! There are   1st    Bere Regis Church, Duck Race
       others  from  more  recent  time  and  in  the  twentieth  century  too.  On  29   we   6th   Mothers’ Union Holy Communion, Revd Rosey Coldwell   2.00 p.m.
       celebrate two great apostles Peter and Paul.                                         12th    Floral Group Party, Trisha Lewis
                                                                                            13th    Autumn Leaves, Mary Graham
       June 24  is, for the people of Bere Regis, a special day indeed as it is St John the
       Baptist’s  Day.  Now  we  can  read  quite  a  bit  about  him  in  the  Bible.  He  was  a   20th   WI, Members’ Evening
       cousin  of  Jesus  and  was  the  one  who  pointed  others  to  him  as  the  promised   21st   Pop in Performers Summer Show, Muscial            6.00pm
       Messiah.  When  people  came  from  Jerusalem  to  listen  to  John’s  message  of   22nd    Pop in Performers Summer Show, Muscial                7.00pm
       “repent  – change  your  ways”,  he  would  baptise  in  the  River  Jordan  those  who   23rd   Pop in Performers Summer Show, Muscial            4.00pm
       wanted new beginnings. He was a man of great passion and he could speak to           30th    Bere Regis Church Summer Fete, Scout Hut
       us in our time when there isn’t always the enthusiasm for the Christian faith and
       practice  as  there  might  be!  He  upset  Herod  by  the  challenging  things  he  said
       about Herod’s life-style and eventually paid with his life. It is appropriate that we   July
       shall  be  thinking  of  him  as  we  sing  our  various  hymns  chosen  by  you  (!)  in  our
       “Songs of Praise” service at 11am.                                                   4th     Mothers’ Union talk by Tony and Iris Parker           2.00 p.m.
                                                                                            10th    Floral Group, Vivienne Thompson
       For  Affpuddle parish, St Laurence is commemorated  on  August 10 . He lived in      11th    Autumn Leaves, Frank Holden
       the third century and we don’t know much about him but he was also willing to
       die  for  his  faith.  It  is  worth  reminding  ourselves  that  although  it  is  easy  for  us  to   18th   WI, Wareham Walkabout

       come to worship God in our churches, there are many Christians in our world who
       are being persecuted and even martyred for their faith. I find it always a helpful   August
       challenge to ask myself – would I be willing to die as a witness for my faith as they
       do? We often pray for them in our services and I always hope that in their times of   8th    Autumn Leaves, Home Grown Entertainment
       great trial they are aware that we are ‘with them’.                                  9th     Mothers’ Union, Mary Sumner Day at Nancy’s            2.00 p.m.
                                                                                            21st    WI, Birthday Celebration Service
       So living out the Christian life is not a one-day- a- week activity in church but the
       willingness  to  be  God’s  people  seven  days  a  week  in  being  the  channel  of his
       love in the world.
       Your loving Priest and Friend,                                                       5th     Mothers’ Union talk by Ted Cox Farm Crisis Network    2.00 p.m.
                                                                                            11th    Floral Group, Anne Clark
                                                                                            12th    Autumn Leaves, 47th Birthday Tea, Vikki Mayo
                                                                                            15th    Bere Regis Alzheimer’s Memory Walk
                                                                                            19th    WI, Creature Teachers

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