Page 4 - July2023
P. 4

July 2023                                                                           July 2023

       should feel small and insignificant, for we have not been on our planet long, and
       we could easily disappear from it, just like the dinosaurs before us.
       That’s  enough, hopefully,  to  make  us  realise  that  we  should  be  doing our  bit  to
       make sure humans can stay a bit longer, by looking after our world and sharing
       our resources more fairly.
       For Christians, it also makes us think about eternity and the God who is eternal.  We
       believe that God was not only there before all life on earth, but before life itself.
       God isn’t limited to one time or place, God is past, present, and future.  God saw
       the  creatures  we  only  know  as  fossils  when  they  were  crawling  and  swimming,
       when they lived and died.
       I find it very reassuring that God is magnificent and astonishing and present in our
       world and the rest of the universe, there before the beginning, and will be there
       after the end.
       We often sing this song at Messy Church and Family Service -
       ‘Our God is a great big God…he’s higher than a skyscraper and deeper than the
       deepest  sea,  he’s wider  than  the universe  and beyond my  wildest  dreams,  and
       he’s known me and he’s loved me since before the world began, how wonderful
       to be a part of God’s amazing plan’

       ‘Our  God  is  a  great  big  God,  and  he  holds  us  in  his  hand.’    That’s  the  most
       reassuring thing of all.
       With blessings



       THANK YOU’S

       Affpuddle fete
       I’m sure all those who came to the Affpuddle Fete had a lovely time, thank you
       for supporting either as an organiser, helper or customer!  Thank you very much to   Saturday 28th October
       Chips for allowing us to use her beautiful garden again.                             Bere Regis  -  Those Bygone Days Photographic Exhibition     10.00am-6.00pm

                                                                                                       Village Hall, North Street
       You may have noticed the recently painted gates coming into the west side of
       the  churchyard in  Bere Regis.   Thank you  very  much to David Gray and  Jackie

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